Chapter 11: Cyborgs, Shamans & Queens

Start from the beginning

It reveals the location of something big going on at the cemetery. But before Sub-Zero could disconnect, he also sees memories of Sektor before he became a cyborg: him convincing Bi-Han of the Cyber Initiative, him seeing Bi-Han abusing Frost & much more.

After taking his fill, Sub-Zero disconnects from Sektor's memory bank. "The Lin Kuei are better off without you, Bi-Han & that old fool." He says with anger in his voice as he creates an ice dagger & stabs it into Sektor's head, killing the cyber Grandmaster.


Inside of a massive clock near a cemetery, Kano is seen torturing some soldiers while Goro & Kintaro looks on with stoic expressions on their faces.

Sub-Zero enters the room and approaches them as Kano stops his torture. "Finally! C'mon, we gotta get 'em to the graveyard at Saint Dominic's." Kano says to Sub-Zero as he turns to the captured soldiers. "On your feet! All of you!" He yells at them.

"For what purpose?" Sub-Zero asks as Kano shrugs his shoulders. "Don't care really. So long as I get paid." Kano says in a nonchalant tone. "You heard him. On your feet!" Kintaro growls. "Get up!" Goro exclaims as he and Kintaro were about to grab the soldiers when Sub-Zero freezes them.

"Hey! What're y-" Kano was about to say, but got cut off by Sub-Zero freezing him. "I will free you." He says as he uses his ice powers to freeze the cackles and destroys both the chains & cackles with a Karate chop.

Suddenly, Goro's & Kintaro's hands started moving. "Go! All of you! Now!" Sub-Zero orders. "Let's go! Come on!" One of the soldiers exclaim as they ran out of the room, right before Kintaro & Goro broke free from the ice. "Your treachery will be punished!" Kintaro yells as he and Goro battles against Sub-Zero.

It was a difficult fight, but their large size & lack of mobility cost them the fight. "All those teeth & claws, yet still overmatched." He says. Suddenly, the building started shaking as the soldiers he freed were flung back into the room by a familiar green energy.

"Get behind me!" Sub-Zero orders as the soldiers rushed behind him. Ermac floats into the room as he lands in front of them. "Come no closer, fiend of Outworld!" Sub-Zero exclaims as he fights against Ermac.

Though Ermac's sorcery was formidable and powerful, it failed against Sub-Zero. "You are not so fearsome." He says as the soldiers congratulated him on his victory. "Thanks. I thought we were done for." One of the soldiers says. "I must go. I need to investigate the graveyard, see what they're planning." Sub-Zero says.

"We'd go with, but we have to return to our unit." Another soldier says. "That is for the best." Sub-Zero says as he leaves for the graveyard. "Good luck, man." One of the soldiers said. "He ain't gonna need luck." Another soldiers adds.


When Sub-Zero reached the Graveyard, he sees the black figure etching some sort of a ring into the ground, around another group of captured soldiers, while Quan Chi is speaking in Netherrealm tongue.

He contacts the others. "This is Sub-Zero."


Sonya held her arm out and set her communicator on speaker so we all can hear Sub-Zero. "I found Quan Chi. He is chanting some kind of spell." He says through the communicator.

Suddenly, Raiden has another vision. "Lord Raiden, what is it? what do you see?" Liu Kang asks. "One of Shao Kahn's Soulnados, on a scale I thought impossible. All of Earthrealm's souls imprisoned, absorbed by Shao Kahn, multiplying his power!" Raiden explained in horror as everyone got concerned at this.

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