Chapter 30 - The Ambush

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      They haven't talked much. (Y/N) didn't even expect the pale demon to approach her at all. But she faced ahead of her and looked down at her hands folded against her stomach. "I do."

"Yeah, I bet." Vam exhaled a breath as she relaxed. "You're probably tired of talking about the Elitists. We can talk about something else. I'm just bored."

      (Y/N) glanced at her then to a couch nearby where a fully grown Tuca slept. Apparently, the demon child wasn't really a child. He essentially grew into the older form before the Zones took off. He looked like someone who would be the same age as her and that was his true appearance. Not an innocent child.

      B's brothers only got more stranger.

      But she also learned that Tuca and Vam were in a relationship. From what B told her, they've known each other since they were kids and have been dating for many many years. They looked out for each other and never left the other for too long. Vam usually did some solo scouting for the Zone but she was always back in time because of how much she would miss Tuca. They were inseparable.

       (Y/N)'s even heard them refer to each other as partners too. Both romantically and literally.

       It made her miss Yama even more.

"Can I ask you something?" (Y/N) slowly spoke.

"Yea?" Vam leaned her head towards her with closed eyes as she relaxed.

"How did you know that you wanted to be with him?"

      The question made the pale demon open an eye and glance at the girl before closing it again. "Why? Is there someone in your life?"

      A blush tinted (Y/N)'s cheeks. "Sort of..."

"Well..." Vam dragged. "Green is my soul mate and I am his. He got captured long ago and was gone for years. I thought I couldn't function without him. We never spent a day apart. So imagine suddenly being separated for over 20 years."

       (Y/N)'s eyes widened. '20 years?!'

       Vam sighed. "I was messed up for a while but... the day he came back to me. It felt like the world was whole again. I had my other half back."

       She reminisced about the memory. She wasn't happy for a long time without Tuca and her family had to witness her spiral into somewhere dark. They had a bond so strong that nobody could break it. They would kill for each other. Go to the ends of the world for each other. Neither of them could ever imagine life without their other half.

"That's how I knew we were meant to be. Even after such a long time, we still loved each other." Vam sweetly spoke, her eyes on the demon in question. Tuca may not be the most expressive demon in his true form, but he tells her every day how much he loves her and she does the same to him.

      (Y/N) was happy for them. Seeing two demons so in love with each other gave her hope that the world wasn't entirely cruel. But also a bit of envy.

       Is that why being away from Yama brings her such pain? Was he her other half like Tuca and Vam are to each other?

       Even if Yama didn't hold the same feelings as her, she would still consider him as her partner. He was the first demon to not hurt her. The first of anyone to help her since her life was turned upside down. No matter what, he'll always leave a mark on her life. Whether it be as acquaintances, friends, partners...

       Or maybe something more.

"Are you separated from your person?" Vam asked.

       (Y/N) nodded. "We were running from the Elitists and they had us cornered. He... he risked himself to save me. I don't know if he's even alive..."

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