Chapter 6

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Fuyumi’s POV:
I glanced up at Shoto, him seeming a bit uncomfortable. I didn’t know what to think, as I was mainly in shock. I was also kinda worried, as I could easily tell that he wasn’t dealing with this in the best and healthiest way.
I saw him take a step back, pulling his hand away from Midoriya’s. He was, not very visibly, shaking. It was almost like he was scared of himself, which was what I came to the conclusion with. It made me sad to see him like that, but I also didn’t really know how to help him.
I wasn’t scared of him or anything, I just wanted to help him through it. The only problem was… how do you help someone deal with getting turned into a vampire?
I took a step closer to my youngest brother, him immediately widening his eyes and taking a few steps back. He seemed kinda worried and self-conscious, like he didn’t like what was happening to him. I felt bad for him, and if anything, wanted to help my little brother as much as possible.
“Sho,” I said softly and quietly. He clearly heard. “Come here please.”
He was very hesitant, I could tell. He eventually took a step closer, still kinda shaking and scared of himself. He’s probably more nervous because there was a long silence.
He took another few steps closer, now probably within a few feet from me. He was still kinda shaking, his hands in his pockets and was looking down, hiding his face.
“Look at me Sho.” He slightly shook his head. “Shoto, you can’t hide forever, and I already saw you. I just want you to look at me,” I said calmly, not getting angry at him whatsoever. He hesitantly looked up at me, his hood still over his head. I could see it so clearly, the fear in his eyes.
“What? Are you gonna tell me how terrible I look right now? How scary I am with my fangs, and how much of a monster I am with the concept of having to drink blood? Are you gonna tell me to leave because you’re scared of me and don’t want me to kill you?” My eyes widened at this. It made me want to help him more, and it broke my heart to ever think that anyone in the family would ever tell him to leave, or to kick him out.
“Shoto no, none of that is gonna happen. You aren’t a monster, and never will be. You’re my little brother and I would never tell you to leave, and I would hope that the other two think the same.” I turned to look at Natsuo and Touya, who have technically been quiet this whole time.

Shoto’s POV:
‘At least Fuyumi cares’ I thought to myself. I mean, at least it seemed like it.
I glanced at Natsuo and Touya, them both having a somewhat sad expression on their faces… until Natsuo grew a small smirk across his lips.
“I’ll go first since this dickhead sucks at this kind of shit,” he stated, glancing at Touya. Touya looked at him, annoyed.
“Yeah yeah, I didn’t wanna go first anyways,” Touya stated, crossing his arms. Natsuo cleared his throat, and turned to face me.
“Okay, first of all, I would never kick you out of the household just because you’re a bloodsucker,” Natsuo stated while looking at me. I didn’t like the name ‘bloodsucker’.
“Natsuo stop, he clearly doesn’t like that so don’t call him that,” Fuyumi scolded.
“Okay okay, I won’t, I’m sorry,” Natsuo apologized.
“It’s fine…” I said quietly.
“Anyways, secondly, I’m not scared of you, I’m just more so shocked that you’d be that stupid to go through a dark, sketchy alleyway that you’ve never been in before, in an area that you aren’t normally in- OW,” he shrieked, making me tense up at the loud noise. I wasn’t enjoying this at all.
“DON’T talk to him like that,” Touya smacked Natsuo. Izu was still behind me, now grabbing my hand tightly after I pulled it away a few minutes ago.
“Okay okay fine fine, sorry,” he said. I rolled my eyes. “Anyways, I honestly think you’re cool,” Natsuo said, smirking. This made me confused.
“Honestly, same. I think you’re kinda cool,” Touya agreed, his arms crossed. This made me even more confused.
“But why would you think a vampire is cool? I mean, I’m now dangerous and could technically kill anyone right now,” I stated.
“Honestly, you could probably kill anyone before if you wanted to, even before you had fangs,” Izu stated. I glanced at him, then turned back to my siblings.
“I mean, that’s kinda true. Even now, you won’t kill us, and that’s a fact,” Touya stated.
“Yeah, you would never kill your favorite brother,” Natsuo said, smirking in confidence.
“You’re right, I wouldn’t kill Touya,” I smirked back. Touya and Fuyumi both started laughing, Izu giggling a bit.
“Damn,” Touya said while laughing. “How does it feel being the least favorite brother lol!?”
“Fucking terrible man,” Natsuo stated, crossing his arms. Touya and Fuyumi continued laughing. I giggled a bit, Izu stopping from laughing and looking at me.
“OMG YOU’RE LAUGH IS SOOO ADORABLE!!!” Izu fanboyed. I blushed a bit.
“Of course you’d think that,” I glanced at Izu, who was also being adorable.
“But why don’t you laugh more?! It’s sooo cute!!!” He announced again, making me blush more. Another downfall to this new vampire thing, is that it was way easier to determine whether I was blushing or not.
“Young love, so adorable,” Natsuo sniffled.
“I agree, so sweet and innocent,” Fuyumi cried.
“Mhm, so sweet and amazing, something Natsuo would never have,” Touya smirked, looking at Natsuo.
“Hey! I have a girlfriend y’know,” he stated.
“Y’know, I have no clue how you even have a girlfriend,” I turned to him, smirking.
“It’s because I’m handsome,” he said back in confidence, making me smirk more.
“Your tiny dick says otherwise,” I smirked back, him turning to me with a sad expression. Touya had now bursted out in laughter, probably about to die.
“You people are so immature, if you need something Shoto, you can always talk to me,” Fuyumi stated, leaving the room. She didn’t like being involved in these kinds of things.
“Bro, I told you not to tell anyone about that,” he cried.
“I’m still traumatized by it y’know, you could’ve warned me before I walked in,” I told him, crossing my arms.
“Wait, what happened,” Izu asked innocently. I turned to him.
“The dickface was changing and I accidently walked in on him. Got a traumatizing glance at the idiot's dick though, rather small to be honest. Great blackmail though,” I stated, holding up a thumbs-up. Natsuo was crying by this point, and Touya was… dying… probably dead by now.
Natsuo turned to look at Touya. “Bro, come on, stop! You don’t even have one since it most likely burned off,” Natsuo told him, sniffling over-dramatically. Touya just glared at him, somehow still alive after dying.
“Shut the fuck up,” he said. “I’d rather be single anyways.”
“Hawks said otherwise,” Izu stated, smirking. I turned to him, surprised.
“Wait what?” I asked him. I could sense Touya violently shaking his head, trying to get Izu not to tell me.
“Tokoyami came back to dorms one day from his work study, and told me that he heard Hawks talking to himself about making plans to swing by Touya to do dirty things with him. He told me that Hawk’s seemed kinda excited and eager about it too”
“Damn, you got a pro hero hooked onto you,” Natsuo nudged his shoulder. Touya rolled his eyes and crossed his arms.
“It’s no big deal…” He stated. I turned back to Izu.
“Thanks for the blackmail,” I whispered to him.
“Anytime,” he whispered back, smirking.
“What the hell is going on he-” The old man interrupted. As soon as he saw me, he stopped and looked at me, making me tense up slightly. It was basically like he didn’t know what to say. I’m fairly sure that he had no idea what to say, as normally he’d say something by now. He was probably just shocked about what I said. Either that or he felt like he’d be a total asshole to me and thinks that I would hate him even after a word.
I took a small step back, not wanting to be the man that abused me and my family for years. I don’t blame him for saying anything yet, as it would probably be difficult to find the right words for this moment.
“What the hell do you want, Enji,” I asked. It was the first time I ever used his first name. I normally called him ‘old man’ or other nicknames like that. However, when he was around, I was forced to call him father. I never used his real, given name. However, for this moment, I didn’t want to call him my father. It felt wrong, as he wasn’t anywhere near a father-figure to me. He hesitated from talking.
“Shoto I-... I’m sorry…” he stated, seeming very guilty and sorrowful. He also seemed quite hurt from me calling him by his given name, which was honestly quite surprising that he didn’t correct me in telling me to call him ‘father.’
“I’m not buying it,” I stated, turning to walk away from the scene… until the bastard grabbed my hand. I stopped, absolutely furious. “Let. Me. Go.” I stated coldly, turning to him and glaring at him angrily.
“I just want you to let me speak,” he stated, loosening his grip on my hand. I quickly pulled it away from him, turning around and facing him angrily.
“Well hurry the fuck up,” I told him, still very pissed off. Izu placed a hand on my shoulder, trying to comfort me. I let him, and it sorta helped, but my glare at my “father” never died down.
“First of all, I’m sorry… I should’ve never told you that, and it was wrong of me to do so… your situation isn’t your fault, and I fully understand that now, and I don’t hate you for it…”
“Funny joke, cut the act,” I told him coldly, still glaring at him angrily. He took a deep breath, me rolling my eyes.
“It isn’t a joke, and it isn’t an act. I understand if you wont forgive me for everything I’ve done, but if you’ll let me… I’ll try to help you as much as I can,” he told me. It honestly surprised me a lot. I could tell he wasn’t lying, and he was fully telling the truth. He did feel sorry, and he was guilty, and he truly did wanna help me. I could tell from the atmosphere.
“... Why would someone like you want to help me? What would you even do to help,” I asked him, still cold towards him, but not as much as before.
“Shoto, you’re my son. I want to help you as much as possible, and I can tell that you’re struggling with everything-”
“I struggled my whole life because of you, how is this any different!?” I asked, slightly raising my voice. Touya and Natsuo were still by my side as supportive brothers, helping me if anything went wrong. Izu was also here, in case anything bad happened, specifically to me.
“... It’s not really different… although it’s something that you’re struggling with, worse than what I did to you… I knew something was wrong within the last few weeks, but I never asked because I didn’t wanna butt into your personal life…”
“... How would you even help me? What could you do… to benefit me and to help me?” I asked him, still being kinda cold towards him.
“I don’t suppose you have any good blood supply now that you’re a vampire?” I stayed silent, him being correct on this one. “I could help you with that.”
“... I guess that’d be kinda nice…” I stated quietly, crossing my arms and not wanting to sound too grateful. I could tell that Touya and Natsuo thought that this wasn’t a bad idea, and were also kinda grateful for it. Izu was also supportive, now holding my hand sweetly.
“Another thing as well, I overheard you talking to Natsu and Fuyumi about all of this.” I tensed up slightly, him being the last person I’d want to tell about that stuff specifically. “Just know that I would never kick you out of the family, and it doesn’t matter what it is. You don’t need to hide something like this because it’s unnecessary, and it won’t help you-”
“When did you start being a caring father,” Natsuo asked coldly.
“He’s right! Why the fuck are you being nice now when you never were before? Is it because you now know that your “masterpiece” is depressed and you don’t want him to kill himself?”
“Okay, I said I was depressed, doesn’t mean I’m suicidal,” I told them quietly. Izu put his hand on my shoulder again.
“Are you sure?” I looked down and stayed silent, knowing that I couldn’t really lie and get away with it right now. He hugged me from behind, me bringing my arm back behind me and hugging him back.
“That’s not it, it’s because I don’t want him to be hurt more than he already is. I don’t want it to get any worse.” He turned to me. “If anything is bothering you, please tell someone about it. I’m not saying it has to be me, cause I know you probably wouldn’t do that. You seem very fond of that green-haired boy, so if something bothers you, tell him or someone that you trust.” I hesitated, but nodded since I could sense that he was telling the truth.
“You’re just gonna take the man’s advice like that?” Natsuo asked me, kinda surprised. Touya also seemed surprised by this apparent ‘bold move.’
“Chill, I can sense that he’s telling the truth. He means everything that he’s saying,” I told them calmly.

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