They're nothing compared to the stars in your eyes -Changbin x Hyunjin

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Changbin loved the stars, he'd never show it but the fact those small spheres of light held so much meaning meant a lot to him. And he finally wanted to show it to someone he appreciated.

-hinting at Changbin being autistic in this-

Word Count: 1786

Changbin lay on his palm watching the world go by at his desk. He was originally meant to be writing lyrics or maybe even composing a track today but he had different ideas on how he wanted to spend that night. He stood from his desk and headed to the kitchen after feeling his stomach rumble quietly. Jisung and Chan were quietly talking while making god knows what concoction in a pan while Changbin sauntered by and pulled out some ramen. Well, he tried too. "Struggling a little there?" A voice teased grabbing his hip as he reached for the ramen packet Changbin wanted.

"Thanks, Hyunjin," He mumbled rolling his eyes and heading off to make the food. Hyunjin followed after him like a lost puppy, "Hyune, wanna come with me somewhere tonight?"

"Of course, come get me when you want to leave," Changbin nodded not bothering to say anything more, to anyone else, he would've been seen as a cold, mean person but to his members, they knew he was the sweetest person alive when he wanted to be. Once he finished making his food Changbin made his way back to his bedroom, placing the bowl in place of his laptop and sitting down to eat it. Luckily it was warming up during the nights now so they'd get to stay out there as long as they wanted - that's if Hyunjin didn't find him stupid for being in love with the stars. Changbin stretched his arms above his head and started to eat the food in front of him, it seemed to taste ten times better since Hyunjin grabbed it for him.

"Fucking hell Changbin pull yourself together," he mumbled at his own thought quickly finishing the food and standing up to take the dish to the kitchen. As he ran the tap a hand snuck around his waist. Now this would be been very cute and romantic but Changbin could've shat himself on cue, he wasn't used to people touching him so he ducked and gave a slight dig at the person's stomach.

"What the fuck Bin," Hyunjin snorted holding his stomach, his other hand not leaving his waist.

"You know I struggle with physical touch," Changbin pouted crossing his arms as he leaned into the warm touch, "how are you always where I am?"

"I don't know, I just like hanging with you," Hyunjin shrugged leaning over him to turn the tap off. The shorter was burning red, noises leaving his lips but no words forming as tears caught in his eyes, "Calm down bin, I'm sorry I didn't mean to do that," Changbin nodded and the hand left his waist almost immediately.

"I'm sorry," he mumbled feeling bad that he made Hyunjin pull his hand away. Everyone else loved cuddling up or hugging randomly but he just couldn't do it. He never got attention growing up, no one ever hugged him or held him, anything. Only Hyunjin was allowed to get away with it, no matter how many times Changbin had accidentally punched him in fear the younger would always try to build that confidence back up from the ground.

"Don't apologize Bin, go lie down I'll come through once I've cleaned the dishes," Changbin nodded and wandered to his room and plonked himself into the bed. No one was allowed in his room, he was offered a single room by Chan because of his childhood issues. Hyunjin managed to break that barrier down in their friendship, he was the only one who'd come in at three am to stop the younger from crying his eyes out, the only one to comfort him midday during his breakdowns, the only one Changbin could open up to. He lay on his back finally letting the tears fall from his eyes as he stared out the window. The sky was blue, all of his favourite orbs hiding behind the screen of light the sun created. A knock hit his bedroom door.

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