Chapter 14: Leah's confusing apology

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"Who was that?" Beth asked, seeing my face had dropped.

"Leah texted me. I don't really want to read it right now."

Beth took the phone from my hand gently and began reading. Her face was unreadable, I couldn't see what she was thinking. She looked up at me, handing me the phone.

"I think you'll want to read this for yourself Abs"

I wanted to text you to apologise. I don't think I can say this to your face right now. I don't want to see how you react. I'm sorry for being like this towards you. I really didn't want it to be like this, nor did I mean for this to get so out of hand. I was truly jealous that Jordan and you are getting so close. You weren't a mistake to me, or a distraction. I just didn't have the courage to tell you the truth. Injuring you is the last thing I wanted to do, I really hope you're doing okay. I just needed you to know that. I'm so sorry I put you through this. Thanks Abs xx

I looked up at Beth confused. Beth also exchanged a confused look at me.

"So? What you thinking Abs?"

My mind was truly blank right now. I didn't really know what to think. What am I meant to think? I just wanted someone to tell me what to do. I'm so sick of this now.

"To be honest Beth I don't know. It still doesn't make sense."

Beth looked at me to carry on,

"How can she say I wasn't a mistake but yet still injure me twice? What part of that makes sense?"

"Look Abs this is now excuse on her end but she doesn't handle situations very well. Maybe you should talk to her about it?"

I unlocked my phone, trying to think of something to say back.

Leah W:
I wanted to text you to apologise. I don't think I can say this to your face right now. I don't want to see how you react. I'm sorry for being like this towards you. I really didn't want it to be like this, nor did I mean for this to get so out of hand. I was truly jealous that Jordan and you are getting so close. You weren't a mistake to me, or a distraction. I just didn't have the courage to tell you the truth. Injuring you is the last thing I wanted to do, I really hope you're doing okay. I just needed you to know that. I'm so sorry I put you through this. Thanks Abs xx

Thanks for apologising. Injury is okay, nothing long term. I'll be honest, it doesn't make sense to me how you can say I wasn't a distraction but still injure me twice. Leah, I want this to stop. I haven't been myself because of it. I do really appreciate the apology.

"I think I'm going to go bed now, I'm really tired."

Beth looked up with a faint smile,

"That's okay Abs, goodnight."

I took myself into the bathroom, where I brushed my hair and teeth before getting into bed. It doesn't make sense. My brain won't switch off Leah's message. What will Jordan say? She's got to know too.

I need to talk to Ella.

It's a short chapter I know!! I've a few ideas for where this story could go, if yous have any ideas please message!! Hope you are all enjoying.

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