Number 13: The Dodgy Dodgy Ankle and Love Island

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This was the second time Leah Williamson has ruined my life, my ankle and my dreams...

I woke up in the medic room, with paramedics working around me, packing up their kit. I don't really remember what happened too well, all I know is that it involved Leah.

"Hi Abby. So we've taken a look at your ankle, thankfully it's just a light sprain. You did hit your head on the way down too, which is why you passed out. You however have no concussion so all you need to do is ice that ankle for a few days and get back to training slowly."

I'm really relieved that it's only minor, the pain is definitely sore.

"Thank you so much, that's great news."

"Well we hope you have a speedy recovery, good luck for the tournament."

Once again, I was left alone. I was lying on the table in the physio room, with a bag of ice freezing my feet. I was alone for a few minutes until I heard a knock.

"Abs? Are you okay?"

I looked up to see Jordan, timidly entering the room. This instantly made me smile and completely forget about the pain in my ankle.

"I'm okay thank you, how did the rest of training go?"

"Not good Abs. Leah got taken with Sarina to her office and we finished our session off with the assistant coaches. She's really fucked it this time."

"No she hasn't, Ive only got a sprain, nothing serious. I'll be back in no time."

Jordan sat on the bed with me, her hand placed on my lower thigh.

"She still did it out of pettiness. That's wrong. No matter how bad the injury okay? She's getting dealt with so she doesn't hurt you anymore."

I just smiled at Jordan. She is a really caring person. I'd say that's one of her main traits. No matter who you are, she will be there for you, in a heartbeat.

"Have you done recovery yet?", I asked Jordan. I need to go ice baths but I wasn't keen on going on my own. My ankles a bit hard to walk on.

"I have done everything I need to bar the ice baths. You can come if you want."

"That's okay, I'll need some help though to walk."

Jordan put her hand around my waist, helping me to keep some weight off my ankle. It wasn't really helping too much but I didn't mind if it meant her touching me. I still think daily about Jordan admitting her feelings.

We got to the pool room and it was only us there. I mean we did spend a while getting over. Thankfully I was only going in up to my hips, to make sure my legs recover but Jordan was doing full body. She has had a shoulder injury before that's been giving her bother. I watched her take off her top, so she was standing with just her shorts and nike sports bra on.

'I have never seen anyone so attractive in my life', I thought to myself. In these moments, I haven't taken my eyes off Jordan.

"What you staring at Abby?"
She said, with a smirk appearing on her face.

I could feel myself blushing, melting away at her smile. I know she knew exactly what I was thinking.

Our time went quickly in the ice bath, very thankfully. Jordan helped me back up to my room, Beth came straight to the door.

"My Abby! Where and what happened?"
Beth said, wrapping me in a big hug.

"It's just a sprain Beth don't you worry, I was just doing an ice bath. I didn't leave you!"

"It was too quiet in the room, it felt too weird." She turned and looked at Jordan,

"And what are you doing here? What have I not been told?"

I looked at Jordan and smiled. Without either of us saying anything, we wanted to take this slow. It's hard with Leah here but It's for the best if we take our time and not rush anything.

"Nothing Beth, nothing at all."

Beth knew. She just knew. Jordan left us alone for a while. Beth closed the door as I limped over to the sofa. Beth came beside me and cuddled into me.

"Apparently Sarina went in on Leah."

I looked up at Beth,

"Really? Have you heard anything else about it?"

"No but I'm sure Leah will talk to you soon, she'd need to apologise."

A few clicks of the remote and Beth had put on an old series of Love Island. We love watching it and just laughing, pretending we're in there. Anything to keep us entertained.

During this time, I fell asleep. Beth was really good at cuddles. Like insanely good. I looked at my phone. 7:30pm.

"You have a good nap?"

Beth said from the small kitchen we have. She was walking over with a cup of tea for me. She sat it down on the table and came back in to cuddle me.

"You'd make a really good girlfriend to someone." I said to Beth. She would though.

"You dropping hints for me Abs?"
She said while smirking.

"I wish you were my girlfriend. look at you cuddling away at me and bringing me tea. That's like the perfect way to take care of someone."

"You don't be saying that around anyone else now, might hurt Jordan's feelings."
Beth was now fully giggling. She's got a really cute laugh.

"There's nothing going on there Beth!"

"Are you sure? I don't think I believe you."

I finally cave in. If it'll keep her quiet about it for a while.

"We like each other. That's it. There's nothing really happening with it, we just told each other and I don't want to say it but what if she's forgot?"

Beth burst out laughing at me,

"Look she's a bad memory but she's not insane! She's just taking her time, it's a quick move from Leah."

We carried on watching Love Island, enjoying how cringy it was. I heard my phone vibrate. I looked down to see who it was, hoping it may be Jordan. My mood suddenly dropped.


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