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Kinn gulped at Chay's words.

"What did you see?"

"No...nothing." Kinn replied in a shaking voice.

"And...how can I believe you? Your eyes...are telling me that...you saw everything."

"Ah...I...I really... didn't see anything."

Kinn can't keep eye contact with Chay. It feels like Chay's eyes are piercing him. His deadly glare is making Kinn's heart beat fast. Kinn is breathing heavily.

Chay enjoyed this sight for a while. He smirks at him. Then went closer, whispered in his ear

"You know what?... You look more beautiful when you get scared. And...it's really hard to control..."

Chay licked his ear, opened the neck bow and buttons to expose Kinn's beautiful neck and sniffed it. Kinn is shocked and closed his eyes.

"Your smell..is so strong and sweet. I just want to devour it so badly."

"Ple...please...don't...hurt me."

A smirk again appears on Chay's lips. He puts his lips over the other's neck and starts moving it slowly. Chay's tongue also joined to taste the beautiful skin. His cold touch sends shivers over Kinn's whole body.

But Kinn can't push him away and let him do whatever he wants. Chay tastes it for a few moments and memorizes the smell and the taste. He slightly bites not to suck the blood but to make a mark. A little sound comes out from Kinn's mouth.


Chay faces him again, slightly touches his cheek. Kinn opens his eyes to look at him.

" It's a mark from me. Just for now...your smell is enough."

He smirks and apart himself. He's heading to the hall and the other speaks up.

"Thanks...for not hurting me."

"No need. Even I can't assure you if I will ever hurt you or not. Don't be greatful to me because as a human...you shouldn't trust a vampire like me."

Chay left him behind. Kinn's still looking at the way. He still can feel that touch over his neck. Whatever just happened is unbelievable to him.

He hurriedly fixed his dress and went to the hall. His eyes are searching for Chay but don't know why. But Chay's gone. Several things are running through his mind.

Kinn pushed all his thoughts aside and went to meet with his upper adversaries.

On the other hand,

Chay is heading home after meeting with the king and queen. He rest his head over the chair couch. His lips are now hungry for that smell and to taste that skin and blood. He doesn't know why he let him go.

Why didn't he taste that blood while it was so hard for him to control? Is it because he requested not to hurt? Chay doesn't know why he cared.

He was out of his mind for the whole ride. He can feel the warmth and that smell around him. It's making him crazy. He reached his home.

His father was waiting for him.

"How was everything, son?"

"No bad, father. Everything was alright."

"Anyone seen or suspected you?"


His father nodded and left. He lied to his father. He went to his room. While laying in bed he's still thinking about Kinn, his face, his scent and taste of that skin. He never got this much strong desire for anyone's blood like this before. He wants it. So badly.

He takes a deep breath and closes his eyes.


Kinn went to his house after the party was over. It's almost 1 AM. His father Carl Samson is waiting for him.

"Kinn, son, are you ok? Where were you? Why did you take so long? I told you to come back earlier."

"Sorry, Father. I had to stay with the governor. They took a long time to discuss with each other."

" I'm worried about you."

"Oh father, I'm already 20 and I work for the government. You're still worried for me."

"I'm worried because I'm your father. And you don't know what lives around you. Those creatures are dangerous."

"What are you talking about father? How did You know that there are so many dangerous creatures out there?"

"It's nothing. Go and take some rest."

"But father, I wanna know."

"I told you it's nothing."

Kinn's dad just went inside without saying anything. Bib also went to his room.

Kinn's POV_

I can't believe what I just saw tonight. I saw a vampire, sucking blood from someone. He was so close to me but thank God he didn't hurt me. He just... kissed my neck or smelled it... It felt so cold. But I'm still so confused about his last words. Why did he say those things?... That means he'll hurt me next time. And about my father...
I didn't understand his words either. So he knows about the vampires, maybe that's why he's always worried about me. But I only saw one. There could be more. how can I figure it out? They're just like us. I would never know if I didn't see him earlier.

Should I discuss it with my friend? Will he believe me? I'm confused... argh!!

He closed his eyes and went to sleep...


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