Chapter Eight

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Kakashi Hatake found himself feeling absolutely stupid as he walked into the local coffee shop, looking around for his student, Sakura Haruno. The pink-haired girl had asked him the night before if she'd meet up with him for coffee the following morning, and he'd agreed, but the young girl was nowhere to be seen.

Usually, he was the one running late. How weird.

He thought she must've been running late, naturally, but that thought only lasted for a few seconds when he saw no other than his soulmate, Might Guy, sitting at one of the tables. The ravenette was completely oblivious to the two teenagers who were sitting at the table behind him, one being his student, Lee, and the other being Kakashi's student, Sakura. The two were quiet, trying to suppress obvious laughter as they wore absolutely horrid disguises, Sakura in sunglasses and a beanie that barely hid her bubblegum-hued hair. Meanwhile, Lee had his hair clipped back and was in a matching pair of sunglasses, and he was wearing a regular outfit instead of the usual green jumpsuit.

'God, they're obnoxious.'

Ignoring their presence, Kakashi walked to where Guy sat, standing in front of the older man with raised eyebrows.

"What in God's name is going on here?"

"Lee told me to come to meet him for a youthful coffee!" Guy explained, still completely oblivious to the two young ninjas who sat behind him.

"...And Sakura told me to come to meet her for coffee as well. It seems we've been set up."

"Set up? Why on earth-"

"They think we're-" Kakashi increased the volume of his voice, speaking louder so the teenagers would be able to hear him. "They think we have a crush on each other or something. I don't really know what the hell they're on. Sakura and Naruto have been meddling in my love life for years, and apparently, they've gone and gotten Lee involved in their little schemes as well."

"Oh..." Guy paused, seeming a little awkward for a few silent seconds before grinning and speaking again. "Well, they're teenagers! It's not that weird. I appreciate their sentiment!"


"They really think we have a thing, though?" Guy questioned, running a hand through his hair and averting his gaze for a second with a small blush. Yeah, I'd be embarrassed if people thought I was dating someone like myself, too. "That's funny."


"Well? What are you standing there for?" Guy's grin grew as he looked up at Kakashi, and the silver-haired man wondered if he'd died and gone to heaven. A coffee date with Guy? For free? Without any consequences? Sure, Guy definitely didn't see it as a date, but still... "You might as well sit down and share some coffee!"

"Ah, I suppose you're right," With that, Kakashi took off his Jonin vest, hanging it over the back of the chair that was across from Guy and sitting down. "How was your day?"

"Good, how about-"

"Sorry, just give me a sec," Kakashi cut the older man off, looking over his shoulder and directly at Sakura and Lee. "Sakura, Lee, neither of you are very subtle. I thought you were trained better than that. If you're really gonna set up surprise blind dates for your teachers, you might as well have the decency to give them some privacy, too." The two teens stood up, giggling and redfaced as they ran out of the cafe, not even addressing Kakashi or Guy. Once they were gone, Kakashi let out a small sigh of relief at knowing that their conversation was no longer being eavesdropped on. "Anyways, my day was good."

"You're so mean to them sometimes, Kakashi," Guy joked, leaning back in his chair. Neither of them had ordered coffee, and it seemed like Guy wasn't actually going to, but Kakashi couldn't bring himself to mind. Guy was better than coffee, clearly. "They're just messing around!"

"And that's why Lee has entire theories about us being soulmates, right?" Kakashi mused, leaning back in his chair as well and crossing his arms over his chest. "Because he's just messing around?"

"He what?" Guy questioned, suddenly moved forward, placing his hands on the wooden table as his dark eyes widened. Kakashi realized he'd slipped up when saying that and sunk into himself, nervously drumming his fingers over one of his crossed arms.

"I thought you knew," Kakashi confessed, a coldsweat that was covered by his forehead protector forming around his hairline. He gulped, unable to fight back the anxiety that was beginning to take him over. "I mean, you brought it up a little while ago..."

"No, I brought up the fact that you can see color and know your soulmate- that's all Lee told me! He didn't- He..." Guy placed a hand over his chest, seemingly shocked at what Kakashi had just admitted. "He never mentioned anything about..." The ravenette trailed off, face now burning red as he cupped his hands together and anxiously fiddled with his fingers, meeting Kakashi's one revealed eye again. "Us being soulmates? I mean, that must be ridiculous! We've talked a million times and I still can't see color!"

"Yeah, exactly," Kakashi agreed despite the fact that he knew the truth, nodding. He would have sighed in relief, but he held that urge back, knowing full well that Guy would catch onto something being off if he did. "I don't know why he'd-"

"Unless-" Guy cut himself off, and then slammed his hands back down on the table with almost enough force to split the wood. The sound resonated in the room, and Kakashi was glad that the cafe was relatively empty, but he had more pressing matters to worry about- namely Guy standing up so fast that the suddenness of his movements had his chair squeaking against the wooden floors, a look of realization crossing his face, charcoal-hued eyes blown wide. "Wait a minute! Rival, take off your mask."

"What? No," Kakashi objected, standing up as well and taking a step back, though Guy only took a step forward.

"Please? Just this once?"

Kakashi was panicking. Guy might've figured him out, and he was done for. If Guy managed to get him to take his mask off, he was completely done. He didn't have anything else to hide behind, and he wasn't sure if he was ready to deal with the consequences of all of the hiding he'd put so much work into over the past twenty-something years.

"Absolutely not," He answered, protectively placing a hand over his face and looking off to the side, using his other hand to offer a small wave. "I'm leaving, but I'll see you around, Guy."

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