"Yeah I will." He smiles.

"Dad told me you were kind of going through it as well." I say.

"Yeah, I've been talking to Joe, Shuri and dad I'm okay."

"You can talk to me as well. After all she was our sister."

"I didn't know but now I do. Thank you, same here."

We talk for the rest of the ride about everything. Like every single detail about our life. Well, what I could. He seems like he's in a better head space.

We almost don't get out of the car when we pull up to the house because we were so deep in conversation. I don't see Kalebs car so good I guess. I really do need to talk to him. As we walk to the door I send him a text saying we needed to talk today.

The house is decorated and music is playing lightly. I hear chatting in the living room. Everyone is dressed up, I feel fancy somehow.

"Hi everyone." I say when I enter. Alexis immediately hugs me and puts a glass of wine in my hand.

"Happy birthday mama." Alexis says squeezing the life from my poor body.

"Thank you Lex."

Everyone takes turns hugging me and telling me happy birthday. Joe just insulted me as usual.

As Shuri hugged me Kaleb walked in the door. "Sorry I'm late, had to pick up the cake." He smiles and tilts his head a little. Simon grabbed the cake from his hands.

I try to pull away but Shuri holds me a little tighter. "I don't get to finish my hug like the others Angel?" She whispered in my ear so lowly I could barely hear, causing my stomach to flutter with butterflies. Against my will a smile formed on my lips. I indulged in our hug and then we pulled away.

"Hey Kaleb, I'm glad you could make it." I wrap my arms around him.

"I wasn't sure if I should come." He says.

"You're okay, I want you here." I said. I didn't lie really. I love Kalebs company but I just don't think I should still be leading him on. I grab his hand, "Lets go sit at the table, dinner should be ready." I lead him to the dining room.


Dinner was so fun, I've had way too many glasses of wine but I'm not drunk, slightly tipsy though. We're all in the living room talking. Morgan is telling us about something that happened in my dads class last week. I'm sitting on Kalebs lap and his hands are holding my hips.

I'm listening to Morgan and my dad tell the story until I feel my phone vibrate. I look down at it.

I wonder if your boyfriend knows that my hands were holding that exact spot last night.

I look back to make sure Kaleb wasn't looking down at my phone. I turn my brightness down and text her back.

Don't be a child. If you want me with you. Just announce to the room right now how you've been sleeping in my room every chance you get.

Don't tempt me I will.😂 I'm going to the 'bathroom' it'd be nice if you slipped away as well.

We'll see.

She exits the room while sending the last text.

I wait a second before attempting to make my exit.

"Hey mom, do you still have that little box of keepsakes I use to collect?" I ask.

"Believe it or not we haven't touched anything in your rooms. They're all still the same." She says.

"Okay, well I'll be right back down." I get up.

"Do you need help?" Kaleb holds my hand.

"No, I'll be back down." I smile lightly.

I walk up the steps of my childhood home. The first room to the right was Kamoras. All the things that once were hers are now boxed up, they have been for years. I know because I was the one to box them up. I close the door and walk over to my room. I needed a distraction but I actually wanted to get this box.

I pull the box from under my bed. She wasn't lying when she said she left everything. I started rummaging through the it.

"Childhood room I presume?" I hear Shuris voice.

"Yes actually." I smile.

"It kind of looks like your dorm room. Minus the bookshelf." She walks over to pick up a book from the tall shelf lined up with mangas and smutty books. I turn into a track star and step in between her and the book shelf.

"There aren't many things I like to keep private, but there's a reason why these books are here and not at my dorm. Don't touch." I hold my arms out.

"It can't be that bad, what are they filled with porn?" She chuckles. My face goes blank because that's exactly what they're filled with.

She picks up on my cue. She gets closer to me and I back up until my back is against the bookshelf. My body is now enclosed between hers and the shelf. She smirks looking down at me. "I promise to be gentle." She whispers in my ear, I close my eyes and take a deep breath.

When I open my eyes she has a blue book in her hand, it's wide open and she's reading it. I give up and internally cringe. "Ooh, this part here she's laying in the bed masturbating while the guy watches. You enjoy reading this stuff?" She slightly raises her eyebrow.

"On occasion, I don't read it as much as I use to." I fold my arms and stay leaned against the shelf.

"You should, it could teach you a thing or two." She shrugs her shoulders.

"I don't really think so."

"And why's that?" She walks closer to me.

"Because I'm a hands on learner." I chuckle into my hand. I just took myself by surprise with that one. I love our filthy banter, it makes me cackle every time.

She's back as close as she was before and slides the book back on the shelf. "No spines broken today, told you I'd be gentle." She smiles referring to the book.


"Yes Angel."

"Did I tell you how good you look in this outfit?"

"No, I don't think so. I haven't even told you how good you look. It's not much time for it if we're surrounded by our friends and your parents." She pulls me closer to her.

I kiss her and she pulls me tighter. We're kissing for what feels like minutes. Neither one of us break away until we hear a male voice.

"I knew it, I just needed to see for myself."

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