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Now that we have the blade, we can return to Ravka. We need to hurry. The fastest way for us to get there is with a flying boat of Prince Nikolai's invention. Everything is literal smooth sailing until a feeling creeps over me. Then I see the shadows. Kirigan is standing in front of me.

"So I've been seeing things this whole time," I state. "How?"

"Were connected," Kirigan tells me.

"What are you talking about?" I question. "I'm not connected to a murderer like you."

"But you are," Kirigan tells me. "We're family."

I look at him in shock. "Family?" I scoff. "You think you and I are related."

"I know we are," Kirigan tells me. "That's why you and I could be more powerful than the world has ever seen."

"No." I shake my head. "No. I'm not changing my mind. No matter what you tell me."

Suddenly Kirigan grabs onto my arm. I look at him in shock.

"You seem to think you have a choice," Kirigan tells me.

I try to pull away, but he won't let me go. Then I feel someone shaking me. I close my eyes and when I open them Kirigan is gone. Inej has her hand on my shoulder.

"Are you alright?" Inej asks.

I look around and see everyone staring at me. Not much privacy on this skiff I suppose. I stumble back to sit on a bench.

"I... I need a minute," I tell everyone.

Jesper, Kaz, and Inej stand in front of me. I know they want answers.

"What was that?" Jesper asks.

I take a deep breath. "I've been seeing the Darkling."

"What?" Jesper asks.

"Like... Like in a dream," I tell them. "He was right here."

"What... What did he want?" Inej asks.

"He knew who I was," I tell her. "What I was."

"A Shadow Summoner," Jesper states. I give him a look. "Yeah we all know. Kind of saw the shadows coming out of your hands in Shu Han."

"So you know how dangerous it is to be seen with me," I state.

"It's always been dangerous," Jesper tells me.

"We're not abandoning you now," Inej tells me.

Inej and Jesper leave Kaz and I alone.

"There's a chance you're going to face him," Kaz tells me.

"I go in there. I save the prince and our money, and I stop whatever Grisha I can," I tell him. "No matter the cost."

"If anyone outside of the Crows figures it out..." Kaz starts.

I cut him off, "It no longer matters Kaz. This is life or death. This is saving Alina and bringing down the Fold once and for all."

Kaz, Tolya, Jesper, Wylan, and I head for the fort while Zoya, Nina, and Inej take the skiff to the Fold. Prince Nikolai and his team are fighting a group of Grisha. Wylan throws a bomb towards one of them. Everyone turns in our direction.

"Where did that come from?" Prince Nikolai shouts.

"My demolitions expert," Kaz says.

"Expert?" Wylan questions. "I mean, yes. Expert."

We rush down to meet the others. Jesper uses his Durast powers to open the sealed gate.

"What nightmare have we gotten ourselves into?" Kaz remarks.

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