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As we start into the Fold we're surrounded in darkness. Everyone is on alert.

"Can you feel them?" General Kirigan asks.

"No heartbeats yet, sir," a man tells him.

"How many markers have we passed?" a woman asks.

"Five, ma'am," a man informs her.

I can hear the volcra growling as we move below deck.

"This is a bad idea," Jesper states.

"I think it's rather practical," Kaz insists.

Jesper scoffs. "What? Why?"

"I don't see how we step off this boat without you pulling those guns," Kaz tells him. "So, cleaning them is a good idea."

Jesper holds the gun up. "I don't mean this. I mean this."

I hear another volcra.

"We are in the worst place in the world, on a ship full of people who want us dead, surrounded by monsters who want us in their gullets," Jesper says. "I should have brought Milo."

"Who's Milo?" Inej asks.

Jesper looks offended. "The goat."

"How many bullets do you have?" Kaz asks.

It sounds like the volcra are getting closer.

"Not enough," Jesper states.

I hear a rumbling up above.

"So? What's our play?" Jesper asks.

"We wait," Kaz states.

"For what?" Jesper questions.

"For whatever the general has planned," Kaz states.

"You figured him out?" Jesper asks.

"Not quite," Kaz tells him. "Consider the scenario. The Sun Summoner fled from his palace, now she's tied to the deck. We're sailing for a city where another Ravkan general hired Arken to kill her. And I saw his face as he boarded. I know that look. He's a man consumed with vengeance."

"See it enough in the mirror, do you?" Jesper remarks. "So? What kind of revenge is he planning, exactly?"

"We know it requires the Sun Summoner, which makes her valuable to us," Kaz explains. "She's the one keeping everyone safe in here. If we have control of her, then we call the shots. We need to threaten her life."


I turn and see Inej holding a gun to a guy who's holding his hands up.

"Who's this?" Jesper asks.

"Who are you?" I ask.

"A stowaway," Inej states. "Why pick this of all skiffs?"

"To kill the general and save Alina," the guy tells us.

"I'll ask again," I tell him. "Who are you?"

"Mal Oretsev," the guy tells us.

"You know Alina?" Kaz questions.

"I do," Mal states.

"Who's in control of her?" Kaz asks.

"The general I'm going to kill," Mal states.

"Inej, give him his gun," Kaz instructs.

"Why?" Inej questions.

"Because if he isn't with Kirigan's crew, he's with ours," Kaz tells her.

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