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The moonlight shining through the window illuminated the living room as Wukong lounged on the couch, captivated by the show on TV. His little monkeys were gathered around him, some dozing off while others watched intently. Suddenly, a few of the monkeys stirred and hopped off of Wukong's lap, as if they had heard something. Wukong, sensing their restlessness, turned his head to see what had caught their attention. Standing behind him was Macaque, now surrounded by the happy little monkeys.

"Long time no see," Macaque said, his voice dripping with sarcasm. Before he could utter another word, Wukong charged at him, upset by his appearance. "What are you doing here?" he growled, pinning Macaque's hand to the ground. Macaque struggled to break free, asking Wukong to release him, but Wukong's grip only tightened. The little monkeys, sensing the tension, urged Wukong to , their hands clasped together in supplication. "What? No! He's evil," Wukong exclaimed, more monkeys joining in and pleading with him to let Macaque go.

Wukong let out a deep sigh and letting go of Macaque's wrist. "What are you doing here." He asked again. "I miss you, so I thought I would pay you a visit," Macaque said giving Wukong a wink while slowly getting up. "We're not friends, Macaque," Wukong said, turning away from him not wanting to make eye contact with him and sitting back down on the couch. Macaque, taking advantage of the moment, strolled over and sat down next to Wukong, their shoulders almost touching. Wukong didn't care much at this point, he had no energy to deal with Macaque. The little monkeys, sensing the change in the air, joined them as well.

The hours ticked by, and Wukong remained glued to the TV, munching on his peach chips. Macaque, however, was gradually drifting off to sleep, his head slowly drooping until it came to rest on Wukong's shoulder.  Wukong raised his hand, as if to swat him awake, but then hesitated, seeing the black simian sleeping peacefully brought back memories of their past, and he couldn't help but feel a twinge of nostalgia.  A little smile appeared on his face as he looked down at Macaque, Wukong realized how much he had missed Macaque. He gently put his hand on Macaque's chin, feeling the warmth of his body and the softness of his fur. After realizing what he was doing, Wukong let go of Macaque's face quickly.

"I guess today, I'll make an exception for today," Wukong thought to himself, allowing Macaque to stay sleeping on his shoulder.  Soon Wukong also began dozing off, he rested his head on top of Macaque. As they both dozed off, a few little monkeys who were still awake noticed their peaceful slumber. They decided to cover up the two sleepy monkeys with a cozy blanket, making sure they were warm and comfortable. The little monkeys smiled to themselves, happy to see their elders resting peacefully and enjoying each other's company.

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