Chapter 21 - 30

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ʚChapter 21



    This time they brought back a total of more than 50 melting crystals. Lian Yun originally intended to make them into a structure similar to street lamps, which can be illuminated at night.

    But the current materials are too scarce to support Lianyun's idea.

    They were divided into three groups, and they found good positions on both sides of several streets frequently walked in the town, so that they could illuminate the road under their feet at night and not be too obtrusive during the day.

    Lina listened to Lianyun's vision for street lamps on the way, thought for a while and said, "The village chief can forge things. Uncle Gailin's daggers and swords are all made by the village chief. You can ask him when you return to the village."

    "Is your village chief old?" Lian Yun asked. After getting along with each other these days, she also knew some information about the village from Lina.

    Their village has existed for a long time, because there are few monsters nearby and the level is low, so it is very suitable for settlement.

    The number of people in the village has not been very large, they are self-sufficient, and their life is not bad.

    But since a group of orcs settled near the village a few years ago, their quality of life began to decline sharply.

    Those orcs were brutal and unreasonable. They often turned into beasts and went to the village to wreak havoc, not only trampling their fields and houses, but also ruining their food. The threats and losses they caused to the village were even greater than those of the surrounding monsters.

    It is also for this reason that many people left the village.

    The rest are the children picked up over the years and the few adults who can't let go of the village.

    Gaelin's caravan is the only way to make money in the village.

    Every time they go out, people in the village will prepare for a long time, dry food on the road, goods brought, and fat camel animals to be raised.

    "The village chief..." Lina rolled her eyes, "The village chief can't tell how old he is, and no one has asked about it. But Uncle Gailin and the others were raised by the village chief."

    Lian Yun nodded, half understanding. She was not very clear about the age mechanism in this world, but it sounded like the village chief was a highly respected person.

    She was also a little worried: "If he is asked to do a lot at once, will the old man be tired?"

    "No!" Lina smiled, "He likes casting objects very much. I remember he said that if he didn't want to be a villager Chief, I guess he will become a blacksmith." "

    And I have several partners who are learning casting from the village chief, and they will be very happy to help the village."

    Lian Yun touched her cheek with a smile Head: "You are working for the welfare of the village."

    Lina stuck out her tongue playfully: "It happens that my sister needs it, and our village is short of money."

    "Are you homesick?" Lian Yun asked suddenly.

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