Chapter Seven - Between Us

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When she returned, Gideon looked like he got his soul sucked out of his body - apparently a normal reaction when Mabel visits. Pacifica had insisted that he fight back next time because 'convincing her gently' clearly was not working. He was hesitant but agreed. She tries to cheer him up, telling him that next time she will be there with him to do it.

"I guess it turns out the other twin didn't end up coming though, huh? Sorry for worrying you."

She stayed silent.

She herself didn't know why, I mean it's not like she had to keep it a secret. But maybe it was subconscious, as if to repay the favor for the delphinium flower. Also, if Gideon had found out, what if he tried to kill the flower? He's always overthinking everything. She wanted to be a little selfish once in a while...

Plus even if she wanted to tell, it's too late now. She stayed silent too long.

"Pacifica..Gideon.." A voice cut into her thoughts, sounding mellow as usual. She turned to Wendy. "Have any of you seen my eyeliner?"

She frowned, "No sorry Wendy, I haven't."

She hung her head in shame, dragging her feet behind the counter. She grumbled about how much she hated her life under her breath, counting the money in the register.

Wendy didn't use to be that way.

She shook her head. What was that thought? Wendy's always been depressing...No matter how sad that is.

She sighed. All the magic she witnessed is getting to her head. "Hey Gideon, I'm gonna shower and take a nap real quick..My head hurts."

"O-oh yeah, No problem Pace'. I'll help Wendy search for her eyeliner down here."

She nodded and went upstairs, heading to search for a fresh change of clothes.


She was with the flower again.

Mason didn't have to be there physically to know. He had to give his magic to make that flower come to life so he could feel it. The flower felt calm just like it did the day before, so she was probably telling stories or something to it again. How ridiculous..and persistent.

Why she was so amused by this, he didn't know. But she had visited that flower every day since.

"Hey! Maymay! Are you even listening to me?!"

He had wanted to complain. He missed his bass guitar in his secret bunker. He made a mental note to play after this before eating another spoonful of spaghetti.

"Ugh. I hate you." She pouted, leaning back into her chair. "You know, Gideon would never ignore me if I was talking-"

"Stop bringing up that vanilla top. You're ruining my appetite."

He downs his glass of water before flicking his eyes to her. Pursing his lips, he states. "You were talking about the effects of your new discovery. It stunned your lab rat."

Immediately her expression shifts and he is greeted with her warm smile, "Yes! Can you believe it, it finally worked! All it needed was a spoonful of flour." She giggled, proud of her new potion, "God who would have guessed? Me, as it turns out."

A maid hurriedly but quietly speed-walked by Mabel, whispering some things to her as she bowed her head. Mabel listened intently. "Alright, just give her a glass of water or something. I'll come up shortly."

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