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Sunsets, Cuddles & Kisses •

[Changbin's Pov]

Friday. Another glorious date night. It was Jisung's turn to choose what we do and he hasn't gotten back to me on it yet.

I had my earbuds in as I spotted Chan on the bench, not that he needed it but better save than sorry. The gym wasn't very crowded today and it was honestly how I preferred it compared to how busy it can get.

When Chan finished up, we went 'separate' ways towards different workout equipment and I begin my squat rack reps.

Keeping up with my physical health had become more of a must lately, especially now that I am becoming a growing idol. Chan simply comes along because he knows I don't like going alone.

As an up and coming idol here, it's difficult to get started off almost nothing. So there are certain requirements I have to push myself to meet. But hell, as long as I'm considered good looking most my albums sales will probably be made by females.. whether they enjoy the music or not. Did that small fact bother me a little? Yes, honestly it did. Knowing that I'd rise do to things that don't actually involve my music but that would be a phase that would pass over time.

Mid-squat, my ringtone interrupted my music and blared in my ears making me groan. I guess I forgot to put my phone on do not disturb when we arrived at the gym.

I settled the bar back down on its rack and walked over to my bag to answer the call. Minho was calling...

"Minho? Something up?" I asked. He never really called me unless it was an urgent matter, otherwise he'd just text and wait for my answer.

"Hmm, yes actually, something is up." He had a tone to his voice that suggested he was about to lay out some big news. Whether good or bad, I had no idea. "Your sales rates."

I almost dropped my phone. "What? The album was released barely three days ago!"

"Yes, well, we promoted you well way before the release of your mini album. Seems people have been eager. I just got word of this, figured you would want know."

"Jesus." I said as I sat down on the bench. "How many sales?"

"Well with the chart I have now, 10 million nationally and 5.7 million internationally. You're a hit. Climbing the charts fast actually, you're no where near our top sales yet but that's too be expected since you're brand new."

15 million sales. My jaw basically reached the Earth's core now. "I'm.. speechless."

"Well, you did work your ass off for this and I applaud you, love. Are you doing anything tonight?"

"Yea, actually.. it's date night with Jisung." I admitted, finally pulling myself together.

"Oh shit, I hadn't realized it was Friday. Well you do that, but I want to take you out to celebrate this weekend, we will have the whole group together."

"Won't that be..."

"Nah, there's a lot of places to go to avoid the public eye but still be out publicly to celebrate. I've been at this a while, I know the ropes darling."

I chuckled and thought about it for a second. "Yea, okay. Tomorrow works for me if it's good for everybody else's schedules."

"Perfect, I'll get the band together. I'll let you get back to whatever you were doing. Congratulations Binnie."

I thanked him and hung up the phone, only to stay sitting right where I was. Chan eventually came walking over to chug half his water.

After he set it down he looked at me. "What's with your face bro? You look like you just got told your going to be a father."

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