['I Can't Stand Him']

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"he always does that" hanbin ripped his eyes away from zhanghao and looked at his best friend who was looking at him with a weird smile " he let loose and dance with everyone nothing too much though" he added sipping his drink while observing hanbin.

"tsk I didn't ask and I don't care" he said but his eyes kept going back to zhanghao everytime " I know that you didn't ask but you can't hide anything from me I see through you binnie hyung " Matthew said and sighed when he was ignored.


"can you take your hands away from me" zhanghao said as the stranger that been bothering him for a while now took a bit far, he may seem strong and all but he always fail when it come to situations like this.

"but we had a great time dancing I'm sure that we'll have a great time somewhere else" the guy said pressing closer to zhanghao who was trying to get away "well I'm not interested" he tried to act cool but he was terrified the guy was bigger than him and could easily do anything he tried to search for his friends.

"I'll make you interested" the stranger said pulling zhanghao against him by the waist and he tried to pull away "let go of me!" he said panickly " I don't think so" zhanghao yelped when he felt the guys plug againts his ass.

"i think he told you to let go" zhanghao looked so relieved to see hanbin who grabbed him by the wrist and pulled him against his chest zhanghao was too drunk to think about it.

"tsk whatever" the guy said leaving.

"thank you" zhanghao said but made no effort of pulling away the alcohol in his system is making things Alot easier, he heard hanbin scoffing before he know it he was being dragged out of the club and into a car that he recognised as hanbin's he wanted to say something but shut his mouth when hanbin glared at him.

The ride back home was filled with silence zhanghao was fidgeting in his chair and hanbin was gripping on the car wheel once the reached the house which zhanghao again recognised it as hanbin and Matthew's shared apartment he was again dragged inside.

Zhanghao doesn't know what exactly to process the fact that he was slammed against the door or the fact that he can feel hanbin's breath against his neck as the male was holding into him.

"hanbin...." he whispered shakily "I'm never allowing you to go to a club ever  again" hanbin spoke and the chinese shivered at the hot breath that he felt against his skin "who do you think you are?!" zhanghao said trying to push hanbin away but it was no use "you're not allowed to dance with strangers the way you did tonight ever again" hanbin said again and zhanghao felt he knees going weak cuz he can swear he hear some type of possessiveness in hanbin's voice.

Hanbin finally raised his head and looked at him dead in the eye " you can't do that again"  he said gripping Zhanghao's face with his thump and index finger they were so close that zhanghao can feel hanbin's breath against his lips.

Hanbin groaned at the eyes that zhanghao was giving him and pulled him in by the back of his neck slamming their lips together, zhanghao almost immediately kisses back wrapping his around the younger neck.

The kiss was rushed and full of passion both of them desperately trying to pull the other impossiblely closer, hanbin pulled aways and for a second they just stood their staring at each other before meeting half way for another one softer this time but full of unspoken emotions that was locked up for a long time.

Hanbin slowly moved his hands from Zhanghao's waist to his ass gripping it lightly the Chinese yelped when he felt that and Hanbin was quick to shove his tongue inside the others wet caven exploring ever spot the he could reach and zhanghao let out a muffled moan at the feeling, he pulled away to breath and Hanbin was impatient he quickly attached his lips to Zhanghao's neck sucking kissing and biting  gaining a few gasps and tiny moans in return.

"hanbinnie" zhanghao whined his hand going through the other's hair he gasped again when he was pulled off the ground and dragged back into another kiss.

Hanbin throw him on the bed and climped on the top of him " I think there's something that you don't know" hanbin whisperes using his hand to brush away the hair that was slightly covering Zhanghao's eyes the said male  wrapped his hands around his neck once again "and what is that" he whisperes back "that you're mine and mine only always was and always will be so whatever hate game was going on between us is over" hanbin said.

" I don't think that I'm aware" zhanghao gushed pulling him closer "how about you show me?" he whispered and hanbin loudly groan crashing their lips together once again, hanbin was basically sucking the life out of Zhanghao and the other isn't complaining.

Hanbin pull away from hao's lips and dive back into the others neck sucking everywhere he stopped when he heard a soft snore and when he look up he see that zhanghao passed out.

He chuckled fondly he stood up and changed his clothes before changing for zhanghao as well before joining him in the bed and pulling him closer.

He placed a kiss on his forehead before drifting to sleep tomorrow they can figure all this out but tonight he's just gonna cuddle his lovely hyung.


I hope you like it and see you soon....

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