Jiujiulin followed what he learned in the book, and concentrated on observing the slight fluctuation of the spell remaining in the air.

    Judging from the situation of the two victims, the murderer must have activated some kind of magic. Spells leave filth, thinner than traces of spell spirits, but not invisible.

    The murderer's footprints appeared little by little, extending all the way to the outside of the car.

    According to the monitoring, when the train slowed down and entered the station, one of the people had a slight change in his body; when the train stopped and opened the door of the carriage, the two of them fell to the ground at the same time, like dolls with programmed procedures.

    The footprints crossed the carriage door and walked towards the exit of station A. It was a bit messy, and it seemed that the murderer left the crime scene along with the panic-swarming crowd of fleeing people.

    "I'll follow Can Hui to take a look. The supervisor will wait for me here. I'll come back as soon as I confirm the end of Can Hui." Jiu Jiulin suggested to the supervisor.

    "Okay, please be careful in everything." The assistant supervisor replied, and he went with the police officer to get the complete carriage surveillance and station surveillance documents.

    During Jiujiulin's tracking process, he received a text message from Yuzhang Youren. According to his description, they tracked down the murderer in the movie theater.

    The footprints extend all the way to the deserted parking lot hundreds of meters away, and it is gradually difficult to distinguish due to too long time.

    Ninety-Nine Lin stood still in the center, thinking.

    Why a parking lot?

    When the murderer left the car, he even had the leisure to look back at the victim, as can be seen from the turning footprints.

    Such an unsightly way of death is almost intentional to attract the attention of others.

    Is it an experimental technique, or a crime of pleasure?

    Why didn't he leave directly but came to a remote parking lot?

    Moreover, the filth after turning the traffic light has an indescribable sense of disobedience.

    Looking at the filth that was about to disappear on the ground, Jiujiulin caught the flash of light in his mind.

    The filth left at the same time will not be so different from the end point, even if the degree of imprint decrement is well controlled.

    But what if the murderer came twice, and the second time deliberately went to the starting point of the first time to lead him to the parking lot?

    A sharp piercing sound interrupted Jiujiu Lin's thinking. He tilted his head, but couldn't completely dodge the attack.

    The severed blond hair spun a few times in the air and landed slowly, with a few drops of blood oozing from the wound.

    Jiujiulin immediately activated the skill "Smashing Varudo!"

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