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Sorry for not posting last night my wifi was out!!!


Time skip because I'm very lazy, and this story makes me tired :').


Ron pov:

It's been a day and we still haven't found a car, it's also been a day since my bite, how am I still alive, how haven't I turned into one of those monsters, I just hope when I turn I don't hurt him, I don't hurt Carl.

"Ron you okay?" Carl says putting his hand on rons shoulder, he's slightly on his tippy toes.

"Yea I'm fine, thanks for asking." I end up grabbing carls hand in a reassuring way.

No ones POV:

Carl didn't take it like that, he got flustered and kept holding his hand, I mean it's not like Ron didn't mind, infact he found it comforting and just smiled at Carl.

"What if we don't find our way back Ron?" Carl says a little overwhelmed in the moment.

"We will, we will." Knowing Carl will make it, unsure if he will. He rubs his thumb over carls.
Wanting to cry slightly but he doesn't, not infront of Carl.

A couple hours past its about 10pm

"Holy shit." Carl stops dead in his tracks

"YES. A CAR A FUCKING CAR." Ron Whisper screams.

Ron and carl run to the car, carl in the passenger seat and Ron in the driver's, he rips the wires to get it to start, Glenn showed him how.

It starts. It has Gas still, maybe just maybe they will make it, or atleast Carl will.

Ron's about to start driving until he realizes something, this was his parents Car before they found Alexandria, he looks in the back, holy shit it hasn't been scavenged after 2 years.

There is about 2 dozen canned foods, multiple water bottles and clothes.

But another thing Ron remembers his brothers coloring book, but he ignores it, not wanting to remember when his father tore out and hit Sam with the small book.

"Ron? Let's go." Carl says poking Ron's leg

"Yea, sorry let's go" Ron says driving trying not to spoil the surprise in the back.

Ron knows they are close to home, his parents car was only left miles away from Alexandria, he remeberd the way they took him.

He was happy, but he knew he was gonna turn soon, but why was he turning so slowly and with no pain?


Am I aloud to hate my own fanfic?yea? Okay >:).

The Trip. ☆Rarl Story☆[CANCELED.]Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat