The Founder's Dilemma, Part 2

Start from the beginning

"Shouldn't you rest?" Eren cannot help but feel concerned for his brother. Zeke has just returned from a months-long military campaign, staying in Titan form for long stretches of time. It takes a huge toll, on the body and on the mind. And one as close to the end of his thirteen years as Zeke...?

"We've got work to do, don't we?"

Zeke blows out more smoke, looking fairly relaxed without his formal military attire. He is relaxed because he doesn't remember the times before this, he never does when they meet again. Sometimes, Eren feels the strong urge to tell Zeke everything, but that would be the end. Zeke Yeager is much, much smarter than Eren and the truth needs to stay hidden at all cost.

But first, they need to get through this day.

"You have to be very careful," Eren lets his eyes roam over the adjacent rooftops, "Levi Ackerman got here this morning."

"Here?" Zeke's eyes grow cloudy as he looks up too. "In the Zone?"

"Yes," Eren nods. "They managed to get identity cards through an unsuspecting Marleyan. It's him and a few of my former colleagues."

Former? He hadn't meant to say it like that. There are no better friends than his comrades from the 104th, and yet, he will betray them too. He tells himself that he has no choice, the Attack Titan is meant to be hated, even by his friends. No matter that this knowledge makes Eren cry at night.

"Shit," Zeke flicks the half-smoked cigarette away and bites his lip. "He's a fucking pain in the ass."

And he has killed him several times already. Not that Zeke remembers. It's better that way.

"Commander Hange infiltrated the Titan Research Facility," Eren informs him, it's something new, a real twist, and he allowed himself to get a little excited about it when devising their plan. "Captain Levi has a soft spot for her."

"That guy?" Zeke laughs incredulously and shudders. "There's nothing soft about that menace."

"I'm just saying that you could try to..." Eren falters. No, this is the wrong approach.

"What? Are you thinking I should kidnap her?" Zeke guesses correctly, but Eren already knows it's a stupid idea. "For leverage over the Angry Imp? Pah, he'd try to kill me anyway, people like him would sell their own grandmother to reach their goal."

Captain Levi would do anything for Commander Hange, Eren is certain. But Commander Hange is probably as smart as Zeke if not smarter and using force against her is not the way to go.

"No, I was thinking you could try to sway her? You know, talk to her about what you know. She is... excitable. Titan Science makes her...", Eren makes a circling motion of the index finger at his temple, but it feels wrong to talk about Commander Hange like that, so he lets his hand fall by his side. "...anyway, it's a problem she's there and he is here, I wanted to warn you."

"They would risk being shot on sight just to get close to me?" Zeke shakes his head. "Talk about desperate."

"Commander Hange has created a serum. The Eldian blood tests don't work if you inject yourself with it. They will not be caught."

Eren fumbles for the ampulla in his pocket, carefully puts it on the ground between them.

"Huh," Zeke bends down to pick it up. "Without access to a proper lab?"

"There was an old guy from the Underground, Oliver," Eren explains. "The other Tybur brother gave him some equipment." But yes, it's impressive. He feels proud of Commander Hange, like he imagines fathers should feel when their kids do something extraordinary, which is totally absurd because she would whoop his ass if she knew what he is attempting to do. Never.

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