In the middle of the group, she sees a familiar pair of forest green eyes; Lorenzo Graves. The guy that hates her. Perhaps he doesn't hate her specifically, but he definitely hates her friend group. Again though, she doesn't blame him. They kind of suck. If she hadn't been friends with Ashley, there's no way she'd be part of their group. They're all incredibly rich, and popular. It's not that she doesn't think she would be popular without them, or find it hard to make friends, but she just doesn't particularly like people. Especially not their kind of people, stick up hitches. All the guys are too full of themselves for their own good, and all the girls make their already massive ego's bigger with their constant desperation for their attention. Sometimes she feels like none of them even know her, not that she minds. She doesn't think it would go down well if they found out just how much she drinks, or the number of illegal substances she's abused. Although she wouldn't much care if they did turn their backs on her, she likes her own company much more than theirs.

Lilith has already turned away but not before she sees the spark of recognition in his eyes. She can see him moving towards her out the corner of her eye, but she refuse to look up. He might not hate her specifically, but she hates him specifically. She can see by the way he looks at her that he lumps her together with the rest of them, assuming She's just as rich and prissy. Nobody, and she means nobody knows just how shit her life is; and she'd like to keep it that way. She hasn't even told Ashley she worked here; she knows she'd look down on her for working at all let alone here. She likes to think she's not as bad as the others, but in reality, she's much worse. She's one of the most stuck-up people Lilith had ever met, and some of the things Ashley thinks and believes are so ridiculous she can't tell if she's joking half the time. One time she genuinely said she didn't understand why homeless people don't just get a job. She had never heard anyone say something so uneducated and just downright idiotic as that. Well maybe that's an exaggeration, but it's definitely up there.

"Didn't see you as the type to work here. Did daddy take away your credit card?" Lorenzo taunts.

Lilith refuses to reply, "What can I get you?", she states instead.

"Not in a talkative mood, are we?" He smiles unkindly at her. She looks at him from underneath her lashes, pouring a beer at the same time for the previous man that ordered.

"If you're not going to order anything then please leave the bar area." She grinds out. She should've taken another shot. Or five.

"Okay, okay. No need to get so snarky. Guess daddy's really mad for you to be extra prissy today." She knows he's just trying to rile her up, to get her to fight back, and she's normally so, so good at not snapping back at people. But this shift has sucked enough as it is, she's exhausted and hungry and not nearly drunk enough to deal with this.

"I wouldn't need to be so snarky if you weren't such a dick." She snaps, "And I'm not fucking prissy." She says shortly, hinting the conversation is over.

He grins at her, like he won a prize by getting her to retort, and it makes her more frustrated, but she forces herself to turn around and face the wall. She distracts herself from his gaze on her back by polishing the glasses along the counter, and by the time she's turned back around he's back in the centre of his group of friends. She watches closely as he pulls out a stack of bills, tucking one into the closet dancer's thigh high tights. She looks down, pouring out yet another beer to pass to the gentleman in front of her currently nibbling on some salted peanuts.

She checks the time, 2:58am. This has got to be one of the slowest shifts ever. The bar isn't even busy enough to do much of anything, so instead she sits down and polish more glasses; counting as the minutes go by. It's not even that she particularly wants to go home, her dad will most likely be passed out in the middle of the hallway and the house will again be consumed by that dreadful silence, she just really doesn't want to be here. Especially not with Lorenzo who won't stop fucking staring at her. Even without looking over she can feel his eyes on her. It's unnerving, which annoys her to no end. She's used to men staring at her, but it's Lorenzo. How does she know he isn't going to take a photo of her and send it on all his social media's, just to mock her. She wouldn't put it past him.

Lilith (rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now