Chapter 05 (Edited)

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Edited - 19/July/2024

Black Manor, Two months later.

Harry had grown accustomed to his new life in House Black. Most of the time, the brunette spent reading magic books with his sister or practicing French with Regulus and even practicing manners and etiquette with Narcissa and Andromeda.

Despite his young age, he understood perfectly well what was going on around him. He knew that the Black Family was one of the most respected and dangerous families in the magical world and that he was the only Potter alive in the eyes of the magical world, so he had to prepare himself to be the next Lord Potter just as his sister was preparing to be the next Lady Black.

Adhara had spoken to Harry about their future and about the training she would have; unfortunately, her training would not be in England; according to her uncle Alphard, they would have to travel to Russia, where the red room was supposed to be located.

She already knew what she was up against, she accepted it, knowing that she had to become unstoppable and unbreakable to protect her family and maintain her legacy. However, Harry did not react well and refused to leave her side for a whole week until it was time to let go.

- "Do you really have to go?" - Asked the boy, his eyes glazed over.

- "Yes, I'm sorry, Harry. I know it's hard for you, but it's my duty, it's in my blood. Besides, I'll be back... This isn't a goodbye, little brother, it's see you next time..." - Adhara murmured, wiping the tears that were falling from Harry's face.

- "It's okay, I understand."

- "Don't worry, I'll write you every chance I get, I promise."

- "Promise for the pinky?" - Harry questioned, holding up his little finger.

- "I promise on the pinky." - She said, imitating his brother's gesture.

- "Ready Red?" - Alphard asked, interrupting the moment.

- "I am, I will miss you," - Adhara said, sadness reflected in her eyes.

- "We'll miss you too, daughter." - Regulus replied, trying not to cry. He had been raising this child for eight years, and now he had to be separated from her for three years.

She just looked at him, trying not to cry, before running into his arms and hugging him as tightly as she could. As she pulled away, she murmured - "I love you Daddy, I promise I'll come back stronger than ever".

Narcissa and Andromeda mimicked Regulus gesture and embraced her, showing their love. As they parted, they all began to recite the first Black rule.

- "Look arrogant..." - Narcissa began.

- "Ice Mask..." - Alphard followed.

- "Back straight..." - Andy continued.

- "If they don't know how you feel..." - Regulus followed.

- "They'll never find a way to screw you." - Adhara concluded, smiling wistfully.

- "Best of luck, Mistress Isa," - Kreacher murmured, wiping away his tears.

- "Thank you, Kreacher take care of the Blacks for me." - Adhara replied, bidding farewell to her faithful elf.

- "I will, don't worry, I won't let you down." - He assured the elf with a smile that looked more like a grimace.

The others smiled, Adhara hugged Harry for the last time of the day, and in the middle of the embrace, the chestnut whispered: - "Always and forever?"

- "Always and forever," - Adhara assured him with a smile.

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