Chapter 11. Confessions

Start from the beginning

The creature threw himself at her, but Enid was quicker. She lunged at the Hyde's legs, sinking her teeth deep into his right thigh. He snarled as he was knocked off balance and went thrashing to the ground.

Wednesday swiftly closed in on the Hyde, reaching for one of his clawed hands. But as soon as she made contact, he tore himself free from her grip, slicing a deep gash in her palm. Enid gave a distressed yelp.

"I'm fine, Enid," she said through gritted teeth. "It's just a scratch."

She tried again, but this time she was hit squarely in the stomach by the Hyde's flailing arm. She was thrown onto her back, feeling as if all of the air had been vacuumed from her lungs. Well, she thought as she stared at a pearly gray sky, this was proceeding poorly.

By the time she regained her footing, the Hyde had flung Enid off and they were wrestling and crashing into trees once more. It seemed that she would need to try another tactic.

Unfortunately, she had neglected to bring her knives with her-or any weapon for that matter. Her coat was always well-stocked with darts, daggers, and a myriad of other deadly devices, but she had failed to bring that as well. She saw for the first time how greatly her vision had shaken her. She had told herself she was still in control, but obviously she was mistaken. She had allowed haste to overshadow logic, and now she was paying the price.

She deliberated whether Enid could be convinced to attack her, but immediately discarded the idea. Wednesday Addams would be caught wearing neon colors before Enid would purposely bring her harm. She doubted that the other girl would sit idly while she impaled herself with a stick either. She truly did get worked up about the oddest things.

The Hyde was gaining the upper hand now-his larger size and reach giving him an advantage. He threw Enid viciously into a tree, leaving the werewolf struggling to stand. Even so, Enid was the more agile of the two and one well-aimed bite at the Hyde's jugular is all it would take to end him.

If this fight was prolonged much longer, one of them would die. Wednesday refused to accept either option. She was an avaricious person by nature, and she would not allow Enid or Tyler to be taken from her.

But what could she do? As if in answer, a small voice that sounded suspiciously like her mother whispered at the back of her mind. She attempted to silence it, but the voice was incessant-not unlike if her mother had been there in the flesh.

She finally gave in with a vexed sigh, feeling like a criminal resigning themselves to the gallows. She would not be accused again of failing to explore every possibility. All other methods had failed, so it was only logical to test this avenue. It was only logical, but if her mother turned out to be correct...

"Enid, that's enough," she said. "Stand down and let me speak to him."

Enid's eyes swiveled to her, then back to the Hyde. She growled softly, vocalizing her opinion of Wednesday's plan.

"Now, Enid. If you wish to prove yourself as my best friend, I need you to trust me."

Enid hesitated, but eventually backed away from the Hyde. Every ounce of her form bristled with reluctance, but it was enough.

Wednesday approached the Hyde slowly. He stared at her like a wary beast, eyes showing no glimmer of recognition.

"You win, Tyler." She spoke quietly, knowing that the Hyde's sensitive ears would pick up her voice easily.

"If your intention was to get inside my head like an insidious worm, you've succeeded. You once named me a cockroach, but you're a parasite. I've tried every possible means to rid myself of you, yet nothing has been effective."

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