Chapter 1: Bear

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As i'm having a shower washing my hair jamming out to 'say you'll be there' by the Spice Girls i hear a knock on the bathroom door.

"Who is it?"
I groan drying my hand and sticking it out the shower curtain and unlocking the door before returning to my hair.

Sawyer, my best friend of 15 years makes his way into the bathroom sitting on the closed toilet. We met when we were 2 years old in childcare and have been best friends ever since.

"What are you here for?" I rinse my hair out the bubbles going down my body.
"I just missed you."
"You saw me a few hours ago at school."
"I know."
I let out a small giggle.

I turn off the hot water my body turning cold.
"Can you pass me my towel?" I stick my hand out around the certain.

"Hmm. Maybe."
"Sawyer, i will get you."
"Jeeze Jules your so scary." He mocks finally passing me my towel. I wrap it around my body stepping out the shower and wandering across the hall to my bedroom.

Sawyer jumps onto my bed snuggling into it as i go to my wardrobe changing into pajamas. I wrap my towel around my wet hair so it can dry a bit.

I walk out my wardrobe and Sawyer chokes out a laugh.
"You look like a troll doll with that hair doo."
"You little rat." I mutter going to my makeup mirror sitting down.

I unwrap my hair and start adding products too it so it doesn't become frizzy.

"I was thinking our friend group should all have a bon-fire." He says.
"That's actually a good idea." I walk over to him flopping onto my bed. He looks at me with a smile.

"Sawyer." I move closer to him so our faces are up close and we're eye to eye.
He sticks his tongue out at me, almost touching my lips. I pull away with a giggle.

"Okay i should go, mum keeps calling me."
"Alright. Love you."
"I love you too." He smiles leaving my room.


Around an hour later i get a call from Sawyers older sister Maria.

"Hey M, everything good?"
"Sawyer is having another panic attack. Can you come over?"
"Yeah i'll be over soon."

I hang up and grab my keys heading out the door to my car. It's not unusual for Sawyer to have panic attacks. He got diagnosed with a panic disorder when he was 11 and considering we've grown up together i've been with him through most of them.

I walk into the quiet of their house, besides his sobs coming from his room. I make my way upstairs and go into his room where he is curled in a ball sobbing, his breath unsteady while Maria sits on the edge of the bed rubbing his back up and down. My heart aches every time i see him like this. It doesn't get easier.

I walk towards him and bend down next to the bed.

"Sawyer." I rub my hand over his cheek. His eyes snap open looking at me.

"Jules." He sobs reaching his arms out to me. I climb over him on the bed and he rolls over cuddling up to me. He puts his head in my neck as he cries his arms holding me tightly.

I nod at Maria letting her know i've got it from here and she leaves to her room. I rub his back up and down in soothing motions. His hand makes it's way onto my chest feeling my heart beat.

My boy best friendOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant