Note (Important)

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This FF will end in a few more parts... I have something nice planned for my next story, ofc it will be on #RishMi, but the track will be quite different...

So basically, in my second story, the track will be like this:

(Rishi's guilt will lead her to find a suitable groom for Lakshmi, but soon after, he will realize that he can't stand her being with anyone else. Don't worry, I won't add any leaps, or any stupid parts FYI, I also hate it when writers add leaps in their stories, it legit shows that they are lacking a further storyline - much like the makers of Bhagya Lakshmi.)

(So yeah, let me know if you have any other requirements for the new track/story. I will try my best to include all your ideas; make sure aap log bhar bhar kar comment Karen, so I have ideas.)

Don' worrry about the ending of this track, it will end in an amazing way. In a way, main koot koot kar romance bharoon gi :)

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