Thirteenth Tale - Prelude of A Journey

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Today's the day... The day where I'm going to explore outside of Arch Typeia! Man, I was pumped about it that I even struggle sleeping, until Houskey made me fell asleep by using the coveted lap pillow magic.

Speaking of which, it was Houskey who told me that I can explore anywhere outside of Arch Typeia, and she gave me two places for me to start by: The HERO City and the Cyberse World. From what I know about those two places, she told me like this:

"The HERO City is where HEROes from around the world gathers. Whether it's the heroic Elemental HEROes, the dastardly Destiny HEROes, or any other kinds of HEROes, it's a place where you can learn a thing or two about heroism. There is also the Cyberse World, where digital Monsters of many different kind are living there in peaceful harmony, no matter what affiliation they have amongst themselves."

So the HERO City would be something came out from a comic book, while the Cyberse World sounds interesting on its own. It's hard to choose, to be honest...

Well, I can worry about that later, Parla is waiting for me to finish my shower. Maybe she can recommend me what place I want to go.

~~ >> ~~

While on our way to the dining room, I went on to ask her about my dilemma.

"Is that so, Master?" Parla said, "In my opinion, I would go to the Cyberse World. It's much more diverse and it's far more peaceful compared to the HERO City." She then explained. But I also want to know about how the HERO City would look like, so I asked her that.

"Don't even ask me about it." She groaned? Is it that bad? "It's always fighting whenever those E HEROes and D HEROes meet. I hated there when I first go there because of an errand." Is that so... Well, I guess I'll try the Cyberse World first before the HERO City.

~~ >> ~~

After another great breakfast by Tilroo, Houskey then clanked the glass with a spoon for an announcement, and I think I know what it is.

"Everyone, as you may know, today marks the day where our Master will be setting off to explore the world beyond Arch Typeia." Her announcement brought cheers from Laudry and Parla, and congratulations from Nasary, Chame, and Tilroo. It was that big of a deal for them? I guess so. "And as such, for this momentous day, I shall pick the one who will accompany Master on his first exploration. Which is why I choose Parla to be his companion for this occasion."

I turned to the maid in question, and she's frozen after hearing it. 

"M-me? Accompanying Master?" She then turned to me, and she grew a very eager smile from there. "In that case, I shall guide and protect Master throughout his journey. I swear on my pride as a Dragonmaid." Well that's assuring. Though I'm not too sure about Houskey choosing Parla to be my companion, since she's... kind of a teaser. Oh, Houskey then turned to me.

"And now, for the most important announcement." She started, "I have suggested Master on two different Fields that he can explore: The HERO City and the Cyberse World. And now Master, have you chose your destination?" Wait, right now?! I know that it was last night, but my mind isn't settled in yet. I do want to go to the Cyberse World first because of how Parla said earlier, but...

Well... I guess I'm going for it.

"I choose... the Cyberse World." I said it. I don't have to explain why though, since Houskey can already heard my mind of why I chose that. Speak of the dragon, she nodded at me.

"And there you have it, everyone. The Field have been decided." She announced, and the other maids clapped at me. Feels kind of embarrassing to get clapped on though. "Master, you may prepare yourself after breakfast. I have to contact with someone that will help you on your journey."

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