Fourth Tale - Delayed Dinner and A Night View

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After a lengthy wait on my seat, Tilroo came in with a platter with food. I know that they were having a meeting, but I'm too hungry, so I'm glad that she's here. She puts it down and opened the cover- is that a steak?!

"Indeed, Master." She smiled at me as if she knows what I think. Do the other Maids have mind-reading or something? "It's an apology for the delay. Would you like a wine to go with it?" Wait, wine?! Well, I'm not the guy who drinks alcohol because my parents forbid me, but now? I dunno... Maybe I'll ask for the non-alcohol version.

"Is there a non-alcohol one?" I asked her, and she bows while starts turning around.

"I'll be back with your drink. For now, enjoy your meal, Master." She said before leaving me. I grab a fork and poke the steak. It was juicy as heck! Grabbing a knife now, I cut a small piece and eat it. And it was so good! It feels like I'm eating the best steak ever made, and I haven't felt this excited about the taste since-

... Ah...

I put down my utensils and stared at the steak. It reminds me of my dad making one back home on every summer with my fami-... While the one I eat right now is way better, I can't help but to remember them... I know that they disowned me, but I just... don't know why they did it. Am I a mistake for them? Did they hold their regret until then? I-

"Master?" I turned up to see Tilroo with a bottle of wine, and from her face, she looked concern about me. "Are you crying?" Ah... I guess I did. I wipe the tears and grabbed the utensils again.

"Well, it's because the steak is so good that I actually cried for it!" It's true. The steak is out of this world, but I can't show her me being sad over a disownment. Thankfully, she feel relieved with my words and begin pouring the wine into the glass.

"Don't worry. The wine is as you requested. It won't make you drunk as well." Tilroo assured, and assured she did. It'll be my first time drinking wine, and I want it to be safe. Taking a sip of it, it's sweet! It has a ting of sharpness at first, but I get used to it the more I drink it. Tilroo smiled at my enjoyment and keeps watching me doing so. Time to continue eating this steak!

~~ >/< ~~

When I returned to Master, I see him sulking with tears falling down. Is this about his past that our Head Maid mentioned? I want to comfort him, but right now, I can't. When I call him, he quickly returned to his normal self. And when he drink the wine, he has the same feeling of enjoyment as before, and again, being held back, unable to truly enjoy it. Poor Master...

I can only watch him and escort him back to his room for now, but once our Head Maid allows it, I will spoil him with as many treats as he want. Just wait, Master. I will make you truly enjoy my cooking.

~~ >> ~~

After getting back to my room thanks to Tilroo, I sit on the bed and just stare at the pajama that Parla provided. It looks nice, as it's not something too fancy nor too kiddy. After changing my outfit, I want to go to sleep, but I wonder what the outside looks like at night. Going to the balcony, I see the view beyond the mansion, and I can see something from below. It's a city, and it's filled with different colored lights lighting it. And from the looks of it, it looks almost like it's a capital of a country.

"Enjoying the view, Master?" Egad! Houskey?! Since when did she came here?!

"giggles Forgive me, Master. I want to see how you do tonight." She said.

"Well, I'm fine, Houskey. The Pajamas are comfy, so I have to thank Parla tomorrow." I said before turning back to the view, now with Houskey standing next to me, joining the view.

"Arch Typeia." Is that the name of the city? And of course, Houskey nod at my thought. "A city where Monsters from around the world gather. It's an ideal place for those who want to have a new start." A new start... It sounds like something that I want... a new start... "But, may I ask you something, Master?"

"What is it?"

"Will you return back to the Human World?" I... I never thought of that... To be honest, I don't know what to think of it. Maybe they could change their minds and want me back, but now...

'I'm glad that you enjoyed my cooking, Master.' 'Embarrassed, Master?~' 'It's a shame for us Dragonmaids to let you help me, but thanks!' 'It's alright, Master.' 'I will never leave your side...'

'It would be a honor to serve you at your new home, Master (Y/n).'

"Houskey?" I started, looking straight into her eyes as I want to say something from the bottom of my heart. Houskey stay silent, but I know that she's going to listen. I took a deep breath, because I don't want to regret this. But... "I won't go back."

Houskey's eyes went wide for a bit before returning back to normal. "Meeting you was something I'm grateful for. I could've just accepted my fate, but you came to me and bring me to this world, where back home, I have nothing left for myself. You gave me home, and the other Maids gave me everything I needed, and I'm grateful for everything." I hold her hands tight as my feelings begin to reach the climax. "So I want to have a new start of my own. So please, let me stay here with you all!"

I broke down, but I feel a warm hug from Houskey. I'm pathetic, because now I'm crying on her apron like a mess. I feel her rubbing my back and lay her head on mine, like she's treating me like a kid.

"Master..." Houskey cooed. "Once again, it would be a honor to serve you at your new home. We will help you on your desire of a new start. You can trust us, my Master."

~~ >/<~~

As the Maid and the Master continued their hug underneath the moonlight, a gap at the door can be seen, as the other Maids are watching the scene with heartfelt feelings. For the Maids, it's a clear sign for them to truly start their work to spoil their Master...

However, unknown to them, a shadowy pink figure is watching them from afar, feeling excited of the new discovery.

"Lil-la, hear this! The Dragonmaids have a new human Master! You know what that means, do you?" The figure enthusiastically told to her phone, before grinning once more. "Oh man! The viewers are going to have a field day with this!"

(A new home, a new start.

As always, I hope you guys enjoyed, and Peace Out!~)

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