★ A Bug in the Game ★

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3rd Person POV:

When the two kept resetting, Y/N had learnt how to take other choices as a part of a major role in their game, so they were on the run to get the... Bucket ending. But they needed a bucket and they did not have a bucket.

"Now, Y/N," The Narrator began to speak up as Y/N was looking for a singular Bucket "this ending is a very nostalgic memory of mine." The thought of The Narrator playing A LITERAL BUCKET ENDING made Y/N chuckle to themselves. Like.. A literal Bucket? "It sounds like you make a big deal outta this Bucket, Narry. What role does it even take as in a Bucket?" Y/N would blurt out randomly, cutting The Narrator off from his sentence, "Y/N, I have absolutely 0 clue on why this Bucket is so important to Sta--" The Narrator just stopped.

"Did you just.. Call me 'Narry'..?" The Narrator stuttered as his head recalled Y/N saying 'Narry' over and over and over again, "Oh, whoopsie doo, sorry about that- " Y/N didn't even sound apologetic as they flopped on a couch tiredly "-I just thought I should call you that sometimes."

The Narrator seemed to be quietly muttering something to himself over the microphone, completely dropping all senses and just muttering. Y/N took this as if they 'distracted' him, and used that as a advantage to look around for something else oTHER THAN A BUCKET.

Y/N got up from the couch and shuffled through some piles carelessly before finding a interesting pink file with the words 'ILOVEYOU. TXT' "Well, huh." Y/N would devilishly open the file, knowing it is NOT FOR THEM "Who's the lucky Gal/Guy, huh..?"

Narrator's POV:

I was muttering to myself until I realized that i was muttering to myself, whoops! I hope Y/N didn't run off, hehe. Hello, little rascal?-

Oh GOODIE, of course they're not on the couch. I would sigh and start calling out to Y/N, they shouldn't have gone too far after all, this place is rather small. I search around and find nothing.

Search, search, search, blah blah blah. NOTHING.

Now I'm really starting to get worried for them, I.. Don't want them to get hurt! I don't want anybody else to get hurt! I won't allow that!! "Y/N?????! Are you there???? Please stop hiding, I've had enough!"

OOH! I see them! I look forward to them and see that they look.. Rather different.

They have a handsomely beautiful pink suit on.

Holding.. A familiar pink file.. What.. Is that?



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