The Beginnings..

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Narrator's POV:

"This is the story of a person named 'Y/N'. Y/N worked for a company in a big building where they were Employee #474."

As I began the intro for The Y/N Parable, Y/N sat at their desk. Good, it's not broken.

"Employee #474's job was simple: They sat at their desk in Room 474 and they pushed buttons on a keyboard."

"Orders came to them through a monitor on their-"


.. Okay? Rude much? I didn't even get to finish!

I sighed lightly as I began to tell the player the script of Y/N's mystery of their coworkers being gone including Employee #427--


They're just... Hurrying to the left door..?! I DIDN'T EVEN GET TO FINISH??? AND THIS- THIS IS THE FIRST RESET THE PLAYER'S IN! How could they have.. Possibly known..?

Erm.. No matter, it's fine. They probably just saw a The Y/N Parable 'Let's play'..

3rd person POV:

The Narrator went on about the script, it was nothing after all, it was just the player speedrunning or something.

But then, something peculiar happened.

Y/N had completely stopped moving, it almost seemed like the Player was afk but The Narrator didn't FEEL the Player, like it was gone but.. The game hasn't even reset?

All he felt was the empty husk of Y/N.

And all Y/N felt was the eyes of The Narrator staring at them, and something glowing inside of them.

The Narrator cleared his throat, "Y-Y/N? Are you.. There?" No, Y/N was not there, they were never there. But they felt like.. They should listen to this person speaking inside their head.. That was only what they were good for.. Right? Following orders.

Y/N started to move again, this time steadily, " Oh! Good! You're back. I thought you were gone for a second, heh-" But then again.. The Narrator still didn't feel The Player, only the husk of his character, Y/N.


A few resets later, The Narrator started to feel.. Bored. 'The Player' was only choosing to follow the Script, that's good! They're following his word! ... But it's incredibly boring.

The Narrator started to feel confused, by now they would've chosen another ending to play if they have seen a 'Let's play'. He was already confused at the start, so what is with The Player now?!

But then, something peculiar happened again.

Y/N had cleared their throat.

Narrator's POV:

" W-Wait what? " That's.. Not supposed to be right, the character shouldn't make a sound! They shouldn't.. T-They shouldn't.. They.. Shouldn't....


Oh, nonononono no! That CAN'T be! That's impossible, I didn't make Y/N intelligent, I just made them a character The Player would play!

Maybe it's just a feature and I didn't know it? Maybe it put the feature in itself? Is it a hacker?!

"Ahem.. " Y/N cleared their throat again..! "Can.. You.. Move on..?"

... They're sentient. Oh goodness no, they're sentient... How did they get a voice box..?! It's.. Quite pleasant actually.

"Uhm, alright. " Actually.. This could be.. New. No wait- It's already new! Well.. Onwards! "Y/N had entered the door on their left."


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