𝐒𝐈𝐗, world gone mad

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I didn't get to watch the latest episode 😭😭 I prefer to watch JJK on the TV (cuz i get a big screen and all) BUT EVERYONE KEEPS FUCKING USING IT 😭😭😭😭😭

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I didn't get to watch the latest episode 😭😭 I prefer to watch JJK on the TV (cuz i get a big screen and all) BUT EVERYONE KEEPS FUCKING USING IT 😭😭😭😭😭

WARNING: Death. Just... lots of death. And trauma, especially for poor Yuji.

SUKUNA MANAGED TO SAVE THE brat's friend just in time. The sea-urchin head was knocked out with blood dribbling down from his mouth. A state of suspended death, he noted. Held in his other hand was another sorcerer, a scrawny blonde man who was looking at him in fear.

Several meters away from them was a hulking humanoid figure that he recognized right away. It was full of muscle, with four wings protruding from its eye sockets and a tail-like appendage sticking out of the back of its head. Levitating above its head like a twisted version of a halo was an eight-handled wheel.

The Eight-Handled Sword Divergent Sila Divine General Mahoraga—otherwise known as Mahoraga. It was the most powerful shikigami of the Ten Shadows Technique. From prior knowledge, Sukuna knew no one who had managed to tame it and he wasn't dumb enough to believe that Megumi had managed it. While he was admittedly impressed that he could summon it, he knew taming it was too far away from the boy's capabilities.

Which means this is an exorcism ritual, Sukuna concluded. An impractical summoning.

It didn't take him long to piece together what Megumi was thinking. The boy couldn't defeat the blonde sorcerer, so he summoned Mahoraga to force him to participate in the ritual, knowing Mahoraga would win.

However, in turn, Megumi would die.

It wasn't the brightest plan in Sukuna's opinion, but Megumi must have been desperate. It was a good thing he had saved the blonde man then. If he had let him die, the ritual would've ended and Megumi would've perished as well.

He carefully set Megumi against the wall and went to heal him.

"Don't die," Sukuna told him. "There's something I need you to do."

On the other side, the blonde man spoke up nervously, "Um, uhh..."

"Quiet," he ordered, still in deep thought. "Just stay there."

In order to keep Megumi alive, he would have to defeat Mahoraga despite his status as an outsider. Fortunately, this would make the exorcism ritual void. But he was curious, he had never fought Mahoraga before. What would it be like? He felt like a giddy child just thinking of the possibilities.

He smirked. "Let's start with a little taste, shall we?"

Mahoraga made the first move. His forearm, which had a blade coated with energy attached to it, slammed down on him. Sukuna lifted his arm to block it, the impact making the ground all around him crack and cave in.

He jumped over head and while he was still upside down, flicked his fingers. "Dismantle."

Lacerations appeared on Mahoraga's arm and the sides of his torso, but they didn't sink in deeply. His Dismantle attack had more of an effect on the building behind them, which was sliced into bits and crumbled down.

𝐁𝐋𝐎𝐎𝐃𝐅𝐋𝐎𝐎𝐃, yandere!jjkWhere stories live. Discover now