'There's  one I can think of, Watch.' Moros took control of his body, again.  Swiftly, Moros did the 'pure draw' stance and moved forward, killing  anyone a straight line in front of him within five meters. A few  warriors dropped to the ground and dissolved in golden dust. "Impending  Doom, Straight Death." Percy stood up straight,

Percy kept weaving  around them and made his way to his friends. Percy killed the one who  held Jason captive. After Percy finished him off, Jason immediately took  out his sword and began attacking.

"Thanks man." Jason said.

"No  problem. Duck!" Jason ducked as Percy swung his sword over him, killing  a demigod. "Help the others!" Jason understood and made his way through  the army towards where they were holding Piper. Jason had gotten better  control over his powers. Jason glitched between the enemies, killing  anyone that his sword can find. He glitched slightly to the left to  avoid a sword and stabbed the demigod. Jason continued to make his way  to Piper and his other friends.

Percy heard that his allies were  having trouble, especially with a son of Athena as their commander.  Percy made another 'pure draw' stance and used the 'Straight Death'  strike again, dissolving a few demigods within a straight line. They  fought for what seemed like a few hours. Then, he found himself face to  face with Malcolm. He had a grip on . . .

"Stand down, Jackson!"  Malcolm yelled. Artemis had tears coming out from her eyes when Malcolm  pulled her hair backwards with his sword at Artemis' throat.

"Let  her go, Malcolm." Percy said, his voice was dangerously serious. The  battle was still raging around them. Malcolm had an angry look on his  face.

"You're weak, Jackson. If someone have control over the  person you love, you can't help but do everything they say." Malcolm's  sword dug deeper into Artemis' throat.

"Let her go!" Percy yelled.

"Only if you surrender." Malcolm said.

"Don't make me do this Malcolm."

"You're  just a coward. I'll deal with you myself." Malcolm pushed Artemis  aside. Artemis let out a scream as she landed on the ground, hard. Percy  ticked off. He got mad and let his emotions control him, which was more  than Malcolm deserved. Percy dropped his sword to the ground. Malcolm  laughed. "Giving up?" Malcolm walked over to him with his sword drawn.

"Not  a chance." Percy growled. Percy thrusts his right hand at Malcolm. The  glove on his hand glowed a bit blue and Malcolm crumpled to his knees.  "I, Perseus Jackson, will make you bear the curse of Impending Doom."  Percy's eyes glowed red and green. Malcolm paled at the feeling of  impending doom.

"Wh-what's this?" Malcolm dropped his sword and  collapsed to the ground. As he felt helpless and powerless, Percy was  about end it when Artemis got up. Pure rage was flaring in her eyes.

"You,  will, die!" Artemis hissed. Artemis' silver eyes turned dark as night  as she glared at Malcolm. A few seconds later, Malcolm screamed in  agony, like someone was pressing a hot iron blade on his skin. He  trashed around like he was trying to fight something off of him.

"Help  me!" Malcolm cried out with tears streaming out of his eyes. His face  showed desperation, pain and torture. If it was some other person, Percy  wouldn't hesitate to help, but Malcolm had it coming. "Make it stop!  Please!" He pleaded. His army stared at him in shock. The battle around  them paused for a minute as the enemy's leader was tortured.

"You  deserve this." Artemis hissed again. Her eyes glowed fiercely dark.  "Dark Bible, Severation." Then, what Percy saw next gave him nightmares.  He made a mental note not to get on Artemis' bad side.

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