Now Calling: Pete Wentz (fluff, 1k words)

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Pete opened his computer and sent a message to Mikey.

Pete: hi baby

Pete: do u wanna video call today?

Mikey: Yes!!

Mikey: I do!!

Pete: yayyy :D

Pete: calling u right now

Mikey grinned. Their calls lasted usually the whole day, and they'd always fall asleep next to each other on the computer. But today is different, because he's in a hotel in Chicago. He knew Pete would ask to call today, because he had mentioned it a week ago, so Mikey booked a flight to see him. He landed last night.

He picked up the call and smiled.

"Hi, Pete!" He saw Pete's smiling face gazing at him. It had been too long since they had seen each other last. He still had messy hair from waking up.

"Hi, Mikey!" He stared at him. "Where are you? It looks different."

"I painted my room," he lied.

"Ah. I like it!" He grinned, oblivious. "How are you?"

"Really, really good. Missing you."

"Wow! I'm glad you're happy. I miss you too. A lot," he admitted, with a sigh. "Patrick and Ray just moved in together and he's been hanging out with me less. And Joe and Andy went on vacation. I've been kinda alone."

"I'm sorry." He frowned.

"It's fine. What's been up with you?"

"Nothing, really. I've been missing you a lot."

"It's been a little over half a year since I've seen you in person." Pete sighed. "Exactly 190 days."

"Do you count?"

"Of course I do. When it restarts at 0 it always makes me happy."

He blushed and smiled. "Um... I gotta go on a quick drive. I'll take you with me, but my camera's gonna be off."

"Okay!" He smiled as Mikey turned his video off. He heard the jingling of keys and a door open.

"Where are you going?"

"To the store," he lied. "I forgot to go yesterday."


He heard the car start. They chatted for about 15 minutes, before Pete heard the car stop.

Mikey got out and walked through the parking lot of his apartment complex.

"I gotta go on mute for a sec."

"Okay!" Pete smiled, but he was hurt that Mikey wasn't paying attention that much. He seemed distracted on the drive.

"Okay, I'm back," he said, a minute or so later. "Sorry I'm everywhere today."

"It's fine." Pete smiled. He knew it was probably just a rough, stressful day for him.

Mikey walked through the hall and stuck the key he had in Pete's door.

He heard the door open in the main room of his apartment. He assumed it was someone with his key, so either Patrick, Joe, or Andy. It couldn't have been Mikey, Joe, or Andy, so it had to be Patrick.

"Hang on, I think Patrick came to visit. I'll take you with me."

"Okay." Mikey tried to suppress a laugh. Pete made his way through the hall and into the main room.

Standing there was Mikey, in the sweatshirt Pete bought him. He set his computer down and squealed, "Mikey!"

His heart was pounding as he ran over and knocked him down with a huge hug. "How the fuck did you get here?" They were on the floor now, Pete sitting on him.

"I took a flight last night."


"I've been in Chicago since midnight."

"Oh, God," he laughed, staring into his eyes. He couldn't stop laughing. Warmth flooded through his veins as he finally felt his touch again.

Mikey looked at him. It had been so, so long. He wanted to spend the whole day with Pete, and only Pete.

"I missed you."

"I missed you too."

Pete kissed him, finally feeling the soft, affectionate touch of their lips again for the first time in 190 days.

"I love you."

"I love you so much." Mikey grinned and messed up his hair. "You're really here with me!"
Pete looked at him and felt a tightness in his chest. He blinked back tears and let out a quiet sob. "I missed you."

"Don't cry!"


Mikey stroked his cheek.

"I wish you could be here forever."

"I could be."

"W-What do you mean?" His eyes widened.

"I have something to tell you."


"My job just offered me a position in Chicago."

"What?!" He laughed. "Mikey!"

"It's a little bit of a demotion, but my boss knows about you and wanted to know if I would take it."

"Are you gonna?"

Mikey nodded. "Of fucking course!"

Pete laughed. He didn't stop laughing for a long time. He physically couldn't contain his happiness any longer. It was pouring out of him, boiling out of his mouth and spilling out of his head.

"Oh, Pete..."

"Mikey," he mumbled. "If you don't wanna get demoted, don't take it."

"Oh, I'm taking it." He laughed. "Work means nothing if I get to see you every single day."

He smiled and crawled on top of him. They kissed again.

"Why don't we get off my floor?"

Mikey laughed, letting Pete stand up before scooping him up in his arms and bringing him to his room.


He set him down on the bed and kissed his jaw. "I missed you."

"Mhm..." He hummed, tilting his chin up. He buried his face in Pete's neck and kissed him there.

"I have been so touch-starved." He laughed.

He giggled and nodded. "Me too."

Pete took his hat off and ran his fingers through his hair. He gently pulled his glasses off for him and set them on the side table he had reserved for when he visited.

"I don't know how I went this long without you in my arms," he whispered.

"I don't either." Mikey shrugged. Pete laughed and held him close.

"I have written so many songs about you. Patrick is going to be pissed." He laughed.


He grinned. "Sorry!"

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