𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 3

Start from the beginning

"Come on guys, it's not that bad we all have each other at least. Nothing bad will happen unless we let it." You reassured them.

She smiles, "You're right Y/N. I shouldn't be thinking negatively."

"Wow Y/N! You're like an older sister I never had!" Ibuki shouts wrapping her arms around me.

We laughed, but the light-hearted moment was interrupted by Akane's stomach roaring louder than a lion's.

"Sorry, but I'm starving!" She whines.

"There's some of the food over there." Ibuki pointed over to a table fully laid out with delicious seafood.

"So that's what that good smell was." Chiaki turns her attention away from her game.

"Gosh, it smells so good." Akane whines practically drooling all over herself and her stomach howls even louder.

She walks over to it, but you grab her shirt. "Hey at least wait till everyone's up. You're gonna eat it all before they even get a whiff of it." She frowns and sits back in her chair.

"Don't worry, I'll take you out a plate." You walk over to the table and take out some food for me and Akane

You set Akane's plate on the table and she quickly starts to go to town on it.

"Damn little lady you sure can put it away." You chuckle as you snap a crab leg open. It was actually really good. It reminded you of when your family would spend all of your cash prizes on seafood.

"Um, Akane you have a little something on your face." Chiaki told her. She looked up from her plate. There were sauces all over her face with crab meat sticking to her cheeks.

"Where?" She talked with her face full like a chipmunk. "Here I'll help you." Chiaki wipes her face off with a napkin.

"Y/N you gonna eat your crawfish?" She asked you although she was already taking it off your plate. "Sure go ahead." She grins and goes back to stuffing her face.

There was an announcement on one of the monitors in the hotel. It was an announcement telling us it was now morning and notifying people still slumbering to wake up.

Soon after, the hotel began to get flooded with everyone gathering around. You spotted Nagito, Hajime, and Kazuichi all together. You called them over to our table.

"Hey, Nagi and Haji over here!" They pull seats from a different table and sit at our table.

"Hey, why don't I get a cool nickname!" Kazuichi whines.

"Because I don't know you like that." You answer, bluntly.

"You've known me for the same amount of time you've known them!" He complains, folding his arm.

"Ugh, fine let me think of a name." You stared at him as you thought of a good nickname. "How about shark boy?" You suggested.

Everyone chuckled at the nickname, except Kazuichi of course. "PICK ANOTHER ONE!" He shouts.

"Nah I like that one. It's cute!" You giggled. "You're mean." He sulked in his seat. You stuck your tongue at him and went back to eat your food, but that's when you saw Hajime snaking his hands toward your shrimp.

𝐁𝐫𝐨𝐤𝐞𝐧 𝐜𝐥𝐨𝐜𝐤𝐬~𝓝𝓪𝓰𝓲𝓽𝓸 𝔁 𝓑𝓵𝓪𝓬𝓴 𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓭𝓮𝓻 Where stories live. Discover now