Chapter 16: Cutthroat Competition: Part 6

Comenzar desde el principio

Crescent Crow: *Caw*

[The Crescent Crow caws at him with the match in its mouth. It then bends down once again and places the head of the match on the rough exterior of the pickup cab.]


[It then quickly moves its beak causing the match to strike and light against the truck. It then raises its head again making sure to keep the lit match above it so it doesn't get burnt.]

Demon 1: What the fuck?

[It stares directly into the Demon's eyes with the lit match in its beak and caws at him.]

Crescent Crow: *Caw*

[It hops off the cab of the pickup and onto its bed before lowering its head once again with the lit match still in its beak. It moves the match in its beak around in front of it, carefully leading it around towards one of the sticks of dynamite the Demon dropped.]


[It then lights the wick of a stick of dynamite with the lit match in its beak.]

Demon 1: Oh shit! No no no!

[The Demon runs towards the stick of dynamite the Crescent Crow just lit. As he gets close to it he kicks at the Crow causing it to drop the match and fly away. The Demon then rapidly stomps on the wick of the dynamite in an attempt to put it out. After a few stamps, the sparks go out.]

Demon 1: What kind of–

[He stamps on it a few more times just to be sure it's out. He looks around his surroundings for the Crow seemingly annoyed.]

Demon 1: (Annoyed) Stupid fucking bird...



[The sound of something hitting the pickup truck bed followed by a hissing noise can be heard coming from the... Well– The pickup truck bed. The Demon turns around towards the noise. He sees the Crescent Crow perched on the corner of one of the crates of dynamite with a smoking match in its beak. Beneath it is a lit stick of dynamite it must have lit and knocked out of the crate it's perched on.]

Demon 1: HEY!

[The Demon runs over to the lit stick and kicks it out the back of the pickup truck. It explodes seconds later, not causing any damage to the vehicle.]


Demon 1: DAMN RAT!

[The Demon then takes a swing at the Crescent Crow causing it to jump up and flap its wings to avoid the attack. He then attempts to punch the bird while it's in the air but it manages to evade the swing and fly away.]


[He watches the Crescent Crow fly away before looking down at the opened box of dynamite in front of him. He mumbles to himself.]

Demon 1: (Mumbling) Where the hell did that thing come from?

[He then gets on his knees and grabs the lid of the crate off the bed of the pickup. He stands up and places it back on top of the opened crate before giving it a hit to shut it.]

Demon 1: That should keep it out of my dynamite...

Crescent Crow: *Caw*

[The Demon hears the cawing from the Crescent Crow once again. He turns towards the cab of the pickup and sees it standing where it was once before. His eyes widened in surprise upon seeing the Crow. It's standing on top of a bundle of several sticks of the dynamite the Demon dropped earlier. All of the wicks of the dynamite seem to have been twisted and wrapped around each other. In the Crescent Crow's left talon is the bundle of dynamite, in the right is a lit match, and its beak is the pack of matches. As the Demon sees the Crow, it moves the lit match over to the twisted wick of the dynamite bundle and lights it.]

Headaches & Hazbins: Book 1: New Kind of Life, New Kind of HellDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora