Own Your Skin

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Scott and Isaac met Stiles at a college party and really liked his vibe. He didn't look like the kind of person they would normally hangout with but beyond looks the guy was an asshole in the best way. So, they invited him to hangout.

That brought them to now. Stiles was dressed in ripped skinny jeans, a black short-sleeved t-shirt, and a pair of beat up chucks. He also had multiple tattoos and piercings, his tongue playing idly with the silver ring in his lip, drawing people's eyes right to it. They were going to have a guy's night out according to Theo's text.

Scott rushed into his and Allison's shared apartment, leaving Isaac and Stiles to wait for him.

The girls were not expecting them and were lounging around in the living room.

As he leaned against the wall in the entryway, Stiles overheard them talking. He smirked, pausing his conversation with Isaac and went in.

"Hello, my lovelies."

They all looked at him, their conversation instantly cutting off.

Lydia arched a brow and both she and Erica gave the new man—and his body because damn—an appreciative once over.

Allison giggled. "Stiles, this is Lydia and Erica. Girls, this is Stiles. He's a friend of Isaac's."

"Tis true. It's the early stages, but here I am," Stiles said, nodding with a smile. "Now I don't mean to interrupt but I overheard a few things and I can help. If you'll let me help, that is."

Erica tilted her head, her expression curious. "How exactly can you help?"

Stiles quirked a brow. "Well for starters..." he trailed off and flicked amber eyes to the settee where Lydia was seated. "Never add color to your hair, darling. That shade can't be bought in a bottle and the world would be sorely dim without your goddess hair to brighten it. Plus it's fiery."

He then looked at Erica. "Now I can tell why you went for the push up but babe if you upped a cup, and used the second in clips you'd find yourself naturally presenting your beautiful body. Let the girls breathe a bit. Trust me honey your body is flawless and you don't need the padding to please a man." He winked. "I know just the size you need. I vote that you and I to go to Victoria's Secret this weekend. I'll prove it."

Erica tucked her hair behind her ear, her cheeks a light shade of pink. "I second that."

With a smile, his amber eyes flicked to the left to settle on Allison. "There is nothing wrong with a strong independent woman wanting to doll herself up every now and then. Girl, whether you want to wear a crop top and booty shorts with a belly button piercing or a ball gown fit for the queen herself, it won't make you any less of a badass bitch. So long as you know it, they'll know it."

He glanced back at Lydia. "As far as belts I'd suggest rarely. You've got the figure babe. So find what you like and let your figure speak for itself. The belt bunches up the fabric but if you feel more comfortable in your own skin with the belt then wear it lower, more around your hips. You can come with Erica and I. We'll find you a v belt. It'll sit perfectly on your hips, straight across your back and dip just under your belly button."

He flicked his tongue out to lick his lips, his tongue ring shimmering and crossed his arms. "I'd say we should absolutely have a girls weekend. It's ultimately up to you but if I'm being honest I'm not much interested in the club Isaac and Scott want to go to."

Isaac stared at the man, gaping and Scott, who missed the whole thing, pouted. "Why not?"

Stiles glanced at Scott and tilted his head. "You're going to a club that caters to straight people."

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