Slumber Party

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You are sitting with the other girls on the penthouse terrace. The boys are having a cookout. Jin, Jungkook, and Suga are at the grill. Namjoon is sitting up music. Taehyung and Jimin are at the outside bar mixing drinks for everyone.

Jimin brings a tray of drinks over and hands a drink to each of you—except for Bonnie, who is due any day with Jooni's third boy. He hands her a sweet tea instead.

There's one drink left on the tray. He sits the tray down and holds his drink as he hands you one, and you take it. Now that his free hand is free, he pulls you up to him.

The girls giggle as you stand to go with him. Bonnie smiles and gives you a wink. Jimin doesn't say anything. He doesn't have to.

You trust him and don't hesitate to go with him. You and Jimin are kindred spirits. You wish for more, but you won't push. You're not sure exactly how he feels about you. You two often flirt with each other, but nothing serious has come from it. It is just how you two are.

He walks you around the side of the penthouse out of sight of the others. He had sat up a little place with cushions against the wall facing the sunset. He takes a sip of his drink as you do yours.

He sits and pulls you to sit in front of him, his legs on each side of you. You lean back into him, and he wraps his arms around you. You both gaze out at the sunset.

You both sit like this for several minutes in comfortable companionship, neither needing to speak.

He lowers his head close and whispers in your ear, "It's beautiful, isn't it?"

 You silently nod in agreement. He says, "But it's not quite as beautiful as you." 

You blush. Even after several years of friendly flirting, you still blush.

You hope that one day he will confess that he has feelings for you, but for now, you're happy being close friends.

Many have thought you two were in a romantic relationship, but as much as you would love that with him, it hasn't happened yet.

You finish your drinks, and he asks if you would like another. 

"No, right now . . ." you pause and feeling brave on drink, you say, "I'm happy being drunk on you."

You turn so that you are face to face, and you passionately kiss him, your hands going through his hair. His hands slip under your sweater, gently caressing your back.

You think maybe you both have had too much to drink, and you suddenly stop. Remembering you are not alone, you pull back. One thing you will never be is friends with benefits. You value yourself more than that.

But if you got drunk with anyone to the point you became intimate, it would only be with Jimin. You knew that in your heart.

You look back at the corner of the penthouse where you came from, and you start laughing and pointing, and Jimin giggles.

"Bonnie, you can come out now. I can see your baby's belly." 

She peeks around, blushing, and says, "Sorry. I was making sure I wasn't interrupting anything."

You and Jimin laugh as you reassure her she hasn't. She says, "I was kind of embarrassed to come at all, but Jooni sent me to tell you the food was ready."

You knew how sweet and shy she was. She never wants to bother anyone. Just give her a book and a sunny window seat, and she will be content.

Jimin helps you stand and holds your hand as you join the others around the table for dinner.

After dinner and more drinks, the guys help carry everything in. You help the other ladies do the dishes and clean up the kitchen while the guys clean the grill and terrace.

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