Shiro-I want to try some of these games when he wakes up. They look much different than-...

She stopped before she could mention Nakano in front of me, but the damage was already done. I just shrugged it off and reminded myself that this is not like before.

Senko-Sure... Only when he wakes up.

(Timeskip 30 Minutes)

((M/N)'s POV)

(D/N) said he was picking up extra hours, so I was gonna be home alone with my son for a while, but it should still be quiet. I drove straight home and when I parked in the garage, I noticed a few things were missing from the garage that we keep out here until my son gets his act together when we're not around. He better not have taken his stuff back in his room to play with after he got in trouble at school again. I got inside the house, but when I got in I saw Senko from the school in my living room sitting on my couch.

 I got inside the house, but when I got in I saw Senko from the school in my living room sitting on my couch

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

(M/N)-... What are you doing in my house?!... (Y/N)!!!

Senko-Why don't you just have a seat and listen to me now? I think it's time you and your husband were set straight.

(M/N)-Excuse me?!

Senko-No. I don't think I will.

I marched up to her showing her how angry I was before the tail on her costume fluffed up and then... a few things started to float in the room. I froze in my spot and she pushed me back with the coffee table to the wall. It tilted over to scoop me up and I screamed before I was slammed to the ceiling, right next to the Ceiling fan. I couldn't see Senko anymore with the table in the way, but I heard her turn the and on and it started spinning really fast. Next, I was surrounded tightly by fire, so I couldn't move.


Senko-You will listen to me and follow my instructions!... (Y/N) never did anything and you punishing him every day ends this very second! You will not speak of this to him or you will not receive a warning of a slap on the rest. You will face the wrath of a fox demi-goddess!

The fire went away and the table titled to me roll off and hit the floor kind of hard and made me dizzy with a headache. Everything else was gently put back down like nothing happened, but the fire came back and surrounded me. My shirt pulled me up and I saw Senko through the flames, glaring at me... SHE IS A GODDESS!!!

Senko-There will be no more interacting with (Y/N) without permission, and I do not care for whatever reason! I'll be cleaning up the mess you made of him!

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

Senko-There will be no more interacting with (Y/N) without permission, and I do not care for whatever reason! I'll be cleaning up the mess you made of him!

(M/N)-Y-You're a... Y-You can't tell me what to do with my child!

She looked angrier and her fire got bigger and hotter, but it didn't burn anything. I scrambled away from her and she walked through the flames or rather... hovered in the air to look down at me.

Senko-I gave you a chance to learn the truth!... You will do as I tell you!

(M/N)-... U-Um, m-maybe-.

Senko-NO!!!... Stay out of his room and away from his pudding in the fridge.

(Shiro's POV)

Senko came into the room looking a bit worn out after I heard her snap like that and she never snapped like that with anyone. Not even Nakano touching her tail. Thankfully (Y/N) was under my spell or he would've jumped as I did. She took her spot on the bed and wrapped her tail around him.

Shiro-Are you ok, Sen?

Senko-I just need to relax and calm down for a while. I still need to scold his dad later.

Shiro... Or... She might tell him and you won't to stress yourself out.

Senko-Maybe... Let's just be silent until he wakes up.

Senko closed her eyes to go to sleep and I calmed down when I saw her enjoying herself while scratching (Y/N)'s head.

(Timeskip 3 Hours)

((Y/N)'s POV)

When I woke up a while ago I was scared that my room was full of games, my T.V. was on, and Shiro wanted me to play with her. I kept on trying to say no... Until Senko left my room to bring me some pudding and my mom in with her. I closed my eyes for a bit and prepared to get yelled at, but she just got on her hands and knees to apologize to me, said I could play, and then left my room. I only got to play on holidays when family come over, so it felt weird to play right now, and even weirder that Senko was feeding me pudding. Shiro and I were playing Super Mario Delux to play 2 players and got really good at the game very quickly.

Senko-Come on sweetie, say ahhhhh. ~


She gave me another bite of the pudding and it just tasted so good, but it did make me fall and float around in a bubble for a bit. Shiro got me out and the game kept on going as we were about to beat level 4 of the first world. I never had this much fun or felt so light for some reason. I finished all the pudding and Senko pulled me back into her for me to lean on while she pet my head... There was one thing wrong. There was a spot that itched that she was missing.

(Y/N)'s mind-Just a little lower... Come on.

Shiro-Hey Sen. Go just a little lower on his head.


Senko finally got the spot and Shiro smiled at me, but I don't understand how she knew about that. Senko giggled at me while I looked so confused.

Senko-Shiro can reads minds. It's just one of her abilities... She doesn't have telepathy as I do though.

Shiro-We do have a few similar powers, but the Great Shiro can know everything about you. It's like I said during my first spell that I cast upon you.

I was nervous about what to think now and didn't want to think of anything bad or embarrassing... Now, it was hard to not think of stuff like that and Shiro giggled at me while my face burned. I finally relaxed when Senko started to give me a shoulder rub.

Senko-Relax. She's not in your head 24/7. ~

That did make me feel a little better and calm, so I got back to the game. We played some other games too, like Mariokart, and some games on the Switch Online applications to play older games. Shiro really did love to play games, but soon I wanted to stop. This just didn't feel safe.

(Senko's POV)

The darkness was starting to come back a little. Even while he's having fun and his parents are not around, he can't seem to completely enjoy himself... I decided that he had to watch a cartoon while I give him a proper massage by stepping on his back. I gave (Y/N) the remote to pick something and it was a show called Steven Universe, so I took his shirt off and started to step on his back with just the right weight for him. Shiro was interested in the show too and I watched it since it was on. I did mostly focus on (Y/N) and watched his darkness weaken and disappear.

Senko's mind-Such a poor baby... We should get you out of here to play someday really soon.

When I stepped on his lower back and felt it pop under my foot, a chunk of darkness just came right off of him.

(No POV)

(Y/N) enjoyed his massage from Senko while watching his show, but later on, his eyes got a little droopy. He was being lured to sleep. Outside of the house, however, there was a truck pulling into the driveway. (D/N) came out of the truck and looked at his phone to see the texts his wife left him again.

(D/N)-(Y/N), what did you do now?

To Your Hearts Content (Yandere Senko x Child Reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora