Catcalls & Catwalks

Start from the beginning

But now, I'm in such a vulnerable state and I feel like crap handing myself over to my boss for these last several months. As well as losing my dream job, I'll probably never achieve again. Maybe I needed all these drinks. Cause let's be honest, I've never felt crappier, so for some drinks to numb the blow and make me forget all that. It's literally what I'm craving. 

Before I could dive deeper into my thoughts, someone takes a seat next to me. His scent is the first thing I notice, it's not like I intended to inhale the man. But at least now, I know it's a man because of how manly and fresh his cologne smells like. I can't describe it, but I never wanted him to leave now because he smells so good. 

My eyes then traveled to his hands, as he held the drink in front of him. Resting his arms on top of the counter, he's not wearing a wedding ring. But like that's ever stopped me before, I take it slowly with my eyes as they work themself up his hands to his face. And that's when I notice he's not looking at me. He's staring at the drink in his grasp, which makes me think three things. 

One, he had the courage to walk over and sit next to me, and now he's thinking of what to say to me. 

Two, he didn't realize he was sitting next to me, and this has nothing to do with me. 

Three, he did intentionally sit next to me, but he doesn't want to speak to me yet. 

Perhaps he's allowing me to take him in, cause let's be honest, there is a lot to take in. From the color of his eyes, to the broadness of his shoulders, and his arms, to the color of his skin, and the clean cut of his jaw bone. 

I can't stop myself from staring, but I pry my eyes away from his perfect face and stellar body, staring at my drinks as well.

 "Party of one?" he asked, as my heart leaps hearing the bass of his voice. I chuckled, sliding him a shot across the counter. 

"I'm free to compromise" I said, softly. 

His eyes peer into mine, before they fall to the small on my face, as he reciprocated that smile. He takes the shot in his hand, as we clank shot glasses and down the substance together. As I gasp from the burn it creates down my throat. 

"So.. what are you doing here all alone? why haven't I seen you in here before?" he asked, as I swallowed hard, trying to get the burn out of my throat. 

"I actually come here quite often, it's not my fault you don't look hard enough" I said, as he laughed, sending shivers down everywhere. 

His eyes travel down my body, "did you just come back from work or something?" he asked, as I questioningly smiled at him. 

"Where did you think I came back from?" I asked, as he grins. 

"I was gonna say something dumb, like you dressed early for Halloween as one of those sexy lawyers" he said, which made us burst into laughter. 

At least he admitted that the thought was dumb. I started to think my drinks were hitting the spot, cause everything he was saying was making my head spin and my stomach hurt from laughing so much. Was this guy funny? I couldn't even tell. And did he just call me sexy? 

"I got fired today.." I said, eyeing the substance in my glass, as I can see him nod out the corner of my eye. 

"Now it all makes sense" he adds, and I frowned, looking over at him and giving him a sly smile. 

"What? I can't celebrate the fact that I got fired?" I asked, knowing that sounded stupid, but I hated that he could see right through me. 

He shakes his head, then shrugged, "you can, but in this case, it doesn't seem like getting fired from your job was a goal of yours." he said. 

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