Chapter 1

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Alice's POV:
Hey, I'm Alice and I just turned 20 last month. Right now I'm laying in my bed in the room I have in the apartment I share with my brother.

Speaking of the devil.

Knock knock. "Come in" I say after it knocked on my door. I see the face of Mason looking through my door. "Are you not going to your training today?" He asked me with a questionable look on his face. "I'm going as always on a Thursday, why?" I just answer already overthinking what I could have forgot whats maybe happening today. "Because-" "shit" I curse in shock as I'm running out of my room when I realise that's already 16:30 and my training starts at 16:35.

I grab my things and my car keys as I can just yell a goodbye to my brother as I'm already gone through the front door.

After all the stress and then a really boring training I am on the way back to a hopefully good dinner at home. I will not say I don't like to be a pro footballer, because I actually love it, but sometimes I just want to lay on the couch and sleep all day long.

Luckily we live near the stadium, the Stamford Bridge, and my trainings pitch, on which I have my football session on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday as well as, if there isn't a game on the weekend, sometimes on Saturday.

After a 12 minute drive I'm standing in front of the house with the number 18. I then quickly open the door with my house keys as I already smell the best pasta in the world, which my brother was literally born to make.

I was greeted by a "Hello sis, how was the training?" from my Brother. "Yeah alright, but I literally spent the whole time thinking about what you would make for dinner." I slightly chuckle. Mason just looks at me and shakes his head with a little smile on his lips while he still is making the sauce for the food.

As we sat down and eat in an relaxing silence my brother ask me out of nowhere: "Completely forgot, Al wanna come with me and the England team to Silverstone?" "For what exactly?" I ask. "The Formula 1 race is there in a little bit more than a month. Didn't Lando told you?" I wanted to slap me in the face, because my best friend, the one and only Lando Norris, didn't stopped talking about that: In Silverstone I  can finally visit you again. and: Please my Alice in Wonderland come to the Silverstone race. Please. And and

I just thought a little bit and came over to the thought that it would be actually nice to be at the track again as I saw Lando the last time racing like 2 month ago when the f1 season had begun. I also had a little smirk on my face when I came over the idea to make a surprise for Lando out of it, he would literally go crazy." Yesss I'm in." I just say with the imagine of Landos face in my mind when he would see me at the circuit.

After that we finished eating and then we put our plates and everything in the dishwasher and in the fridge. We said our goodnights and both got to sleep with a good food baby.

I laid in my bed and looked at the ceiling as I cuddled in my covers and just thought about all the drivers, Daniel Riccardo, Charles Leclerc, Kevin Magnussen and all the other cute looking guys...

A/N: The first chapter is done 🥳. Yeah I know it's very short and boring at the moment but it's getting more excited soon I promise.
Don't forget to tell me your advices for my story.
But please tell me what's that for a sucking start in the season and it's so sh*tty as being an Ferrari, to be exactly, a Charles Leclerc fan. Ughhh 😑 It's also a mess at McLaren, Bro how did they turned from a midfield Team to a team that literally looks at the championship from down there 👇.

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