The One With Paris

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Happy April fools? I wrote about the subject I probably hate the most to prank myself. Writing it was fun though.

It was just shy of 2AM in Paris when Jen and Adam had wrapped their night scenes. They both bid their good nights and went to their respective rooms.


Jen, despite her best efforts, couldn't sleep. She had a busy, energy draining day, and yet her brain wouldn't shut off, even after the shower she had taken. She looked toward her cell phone, then shook her head. "Adam is so much better at this sleep thing than you are. Maybe I should just take a walk, hope that'll help." She contemplated before getting up and deciding that's what she should do.

As she pulled her shoes on, she heard her phone vibrate. She's startled by the sudden noise, and even more annoyed when she reads the message

Can we meet up soon? -

Jennifer scoffed at the message. The former couple were very well aware of the other being in Paris at the same time. She had been polite and met up with him once for coffee and a quick chat, but otherwise she did her best to keep her distance.

She decides to ignore the text. As she opens her hotel room door, her heart nearly jumps out of her chest.

"What the fuck are you doing here?!" She asked excitedly as she noticed David standing just outside, his own bag in hand. David smirked before kissing Jen tenderly. "Earlier today, Adam gave me the room key you trusted him with in case he needed to barge in. I thought you'd be well asleep, so I was going to come in and climb into bed next to you as a surprise. Probably should have snuck in BEFORE you got back. Didn't want to spook you." Then he noticed she looked ready to go out. "Where are you off to?" He asked, his eyebrow piqued with interest. Jen moved to the side to let him in, then looked down at herself. "Can't sleep, despite having a late night shoot. Was gonna see if taking a walk would help. Not fully sure how safe Paris is at night, though I wouldn't go very far." She explained.

David tossed his bag near the foot of the bed, then turned back to her "Well, now you have a walking partner. Something about walking the streets of Paris late at night has always sounded romantic to me, and you'll be safe! Win win." He shot her a comforting wink. Jen looked at the man a bit surprised, mostly because she expected him to be dead tired given the time, though she didn't dare to protest.

A while later, they found themselves roaming the streets, passing by the array of stores that were shuttered for the night. Hands and fingers entwined as they walked.

"I can't begin to tell you how many times I've thought about taking you to Paris. Thought about going everywhere with you. Eiffel tower, boat rides, walks like this. Thought about kissing you in the middle of the street, taking you back to the hotel and making love to you all night long." David said contently. That contentment soon faded as he felt eyes on them. He subtly looks around, as if to not spook Jen.

Jennifer began to walk away, pulling his hand along with her. "Well, you can do those last two things if you want. Not sure how well the other things would go." She smirked, but then noticed her hand slipping as they were at length. "What's wrong?" She asked looking backward, feeling a bit worried. David shook his head, then looked back at Jen. "I just...thought I saw something or someone." He replied simply before his walking resumed.

The woman gave him a quizzical look, but tightened her hand in his again. "Someone's been training the Unagi senses." She joked lightly. David chuckled "Always have been training those. Never know when you need to spring into action."

A few more minutes of walking, they're closer to where Jen had been for shooting that night. David looked up at the Eiffel tower. "So, how was swinging around that?" David asked, amused by the image of Jen doing her own stunts. Jen just shook her head "I did NOT have to swing around that thing thankfully! Stunt double did it for me and she had the time of her life from the looks and sounds of it."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2023 ⏰

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