The One With New York Press

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Also me: I'll do it myself. LOL.

I 100% still believe in Jenvid ❤️

David walked into his home after dropping his daughter off to a friends and picking up some breakfast on his way back. He sat on his couch, flicking the tv on. He heard his phone get a text, and when he looked at the screen, he smiled widely. Jen had sent him a picture of herself in the spring dress she planned to wear for her talk show appearance later.

"Looking gorgeous as ever, Jen. Tell Kelly and Ryan I said hi during the break." He typed in response before deciding to go make a small breakfast since he woke up a bit late.

As he got up, he heard a knock on the door. Confused, he looked toward it and checked his watch.


"Who the Hell could that be?" He asked himself before going toward the door. He opens the door to see a man in a light green north face jacket on, the man grinned. "Schwimmer! Hope nows not a terrible time?" He asked, feeling a bit nervous. David chuckled in disbelief as he moved out of the way. "Sandler. What can I do for you and HOW did you know where I lived?" David asked, lifting an eyebrow. Adam shrugs, knowing how odd it was for him to just randomly show up unannounced. "Jen pointed out your place yesterday as we drove by. We would have come in, but we were running late. Are you coming to the premiere tomorrow night?" Adam asked, a glimmer of hope sparkled in his eye.

David shook his head. "I would love to, but I'm on child duty and I do NOT think my ex wife would approve of me flaunting her around a red carpet for my 'girlfriend' and her premiere." he replied, doing air quotes around 'girlfriend'. His ex wife had been pestering him for years about his and Jen's relationship, with it only getting worse ever since the reunion in 2021. Rather ticked that he never really spoke about Jen and their real life feelings.

"What the fuck, Schwim?! Why did I have to find out about you and Jennifer's feelings during this fucking reunion?! Were your feelings for her still around when we were together? Was I just a distraction to you? Or was that some bullshit to get fans in a tizzy?" "No. Those feelings were VERY real."

He sighed as he remembered. Of course, he genuinely loved Zoë, but a portion of him would always be in love with Jennifer. They had gotten a lot closer in the past couple years. So much so that their friendship had gotten to a level of comfort where they could share a kiss here and there without being scared, and he was more than thankful for it. It would always be a platonic thing, but his heart would nearly burst from his chest every time it happened. There had been a couple of times where it almost felt like they wanted to pull each other in and deepen it, but they never dared to do it.

"Ah, well that's a bit unfortunate. I was really hoping to surprise her with you." Adam then snapped his fingers. "Oh! Idea! Jackie will be there tomorrow night with our kids. Maybe if you do decide to go, we could bring your kid along, but have the 4 of them go inside from around the back so they don't get seen? They don't care to do red carpets much."

David pauses for a moment. He looked into the man's eyes as he contemplated an answer, seeing Adam was being genuine. "You know what? Fuck it. I doubt I'm going to be able to wear the suit I got for intelligence in a couple of weeks anyway, may as well put it to some use." He finally caves. Adam punches the air, which just causes David to laugh. "Ok this is good! The red carpet starts at 6PM, so maybe show up a little sooner. We'll hide you so Jen doesn't see you. David nods and smiles.

An hour later, David had once again sat in front of the tv after finishing some house chores. Only this time, he turns on a specific show. His face lights up as he's met with a goddess of a woman.

Jenvid oneshotsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang