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So, now she had to think of worse things to accumulate her fear enough to fuel her quirk.

"You know, he did horrible things to me. Honestly, I wouldn't be standing here if it weren't for my dear someone helping me and pulling me out of the bad dark place." she heard Aoi from the living room, "I do want to start a family with him." Her voice sounded soft for a moment, but that lasted a second, "After I've killed you, I'll have nothing to regret. Maybe, I might even think of letting go of all this bitterness and letting my husband take over for me while I raise my kids."

She stopped speaking for a moment, then, she said, "Are you pregnant by any chance?"

It was her turn to hold her breath and stare at the walls painted the same color as his room upstairs, also the same shade she watched as he gripped her hips and made her hurt. She looked down at her stomach.

"You know, that room we were just in, you lost your virginity there, right?" She continued, "According to what I can tell, you passed out during the second round, you're kinda weak. I last at least four rounds with my sweetheart." Aoi paused, silent in thought while she perked her head up to see if she had caught on, or just standing at the doorway.

Waiting for her to do something.

"Mmm, this brings back old memories, you remember everything that happened at school? Well, after you left I never thought I would be standing at the edge of the rooftop in our school, that bastard pushed me to it. It was hard to go on, but I prevailed. I bet you are feeling the same too." she mused, her voice dancing around the kitchen and echoing its way to her ears.

"But, rest assured, even if you die, I'll make him suffer. I'm not doing it for you, but you could consider it a present. I've never given my enemies a gift so you should be grateful. You are one of a kind." Her voice was filling up the entire house.

"So, are you done hiding in the storage room?"

She remained still, eyes locked on the door and waiting for Aoi. "You want me to come in there so you could sneak in a knife in my stomach or something?"

"We could do it the hard way then," Aoi said.

Slowly she stood up, shoulders curled inward as she tip-toed to the threshold, knife clutched tight and prepared to impale at any sign of danger, carefully observing the open corridor to the kitchen she peered over to the left, then to the right, feeling like a deer walking into the spotlight knowing bad things await.

Just around the corner smiled Aoi, leaned back towards the wall, arms folded and eyes scolding her for making her wait, as if they were friends and not trying to kill each other.

"What hard times did Katsuki give you?" she asked, bouncing right up to her feet and releasing her arms. "I mean, this guy actively tried to kill me when you left school, so it should have been enjoyable at least. No?"

Knowing it was a foolish move, she did so anyway, sweeping the knife to the storage room she stood back up and drew some distance. She wouldn't look very convincing with a knife if she apologizes. 

"I don't know what he did to you, I'm sorry but, I really need your help. Please, I'll do anything, I want to feel the air on my skin again, I just want to see my parents again and go home." She pleaded she knew tears couldn't get her out of the situation, anyone without an ounce of sympathy couldn't muster forgiving their enemies, "I've--"

"Hey, say if you survive, I'll tell you the passcode, yeah?"

"Survive what?"

"You'll know soon enough." Aoi walked towards her, hiding her hands behind her back and grinning at the sorry sight of her, "You just need to survive this." she brought out her hand to caress her hair, it was unusual but she couldn't move, whatever Aoi wanted to do to her, she should let it happen.

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