What's So Important?-Chapter 50

Start from the beginning

He didn't said anything, just shrugged. Yeah you know she do. Check that or I will.

Cindy: So, you wanna go out this weekend?

Riley: Where?

Cindy: Jazmine wanted to go bowling with Huey and she inviting us.

Riley: Yeah, nah. I think imma skip.

Cindy: Why? Oh come on it'll be fun.

Riley: Bowling is just not my thing, plus I have to coach Saturday.

Cindy: You don't have to coach til the afternoon we can just go early.

Riley: I still don't want to attend something I'm not interested in. You can go with them or take a friend with you.

Cindy: Wow, lameeeee.

Riley: Very.

Cindy: Is you ok?

Riley: I'm great. Why?

Cindy: It just, I don't know. You've been acting weird lately. This morning you walked in happy or what not. Then you went to class early which is unusual-

Riley: Cindy, I'm fine.

Cindy: .....Well, you don't seem fine.

Riley: I'm fine, just trying to get through this week.

Cindy: ....I mean, okay. If you say so.

He went back on his phone, avoiding the conversation. I wonder what's on his mind I mean nobody said he had to play bowling but at least accept the invitation. All because he has to "coach". Which is not until the afternoon. I just laid my head down until class started.

Jazmine's pov

Huey: Jazmine, you been talking about them ever since they walked in the damn building. Stop it, we get it.

Jazmine: Oh hush, you should be happy for them. I mean I been waiting for them to be together. Haven't everybody?

Huey: I am happy for them, but don't rush things for them.

Jazmine: I'm nottt. You need to chillax.

Huey: Whatever.

Jazmine: Anyways, Cindy text me and said she's the only one going with us.

Huey: I'm not surprised, Riley doesn't like bowling.

Jazmine: Yeah because he's lame.

Huey: Last time we went bowling when we was kids and he only scored once. He said never going again.

Jazmine: Well he was a kid so I feel like he now has the strength to get more than one point.

Huey: Oh well.

Jazmine: What time we going?

Huey: It doesn't matter.

Jazmine: Hm. 2?

Huey: Sure. We'll leave at 1:30 because I'll need to get some gas.

Jazmine: Oo can we bring Hiro and Ceaser to?

Huey: We can bring them if they wanna come.

Jazmine: Okayy.

Cindy's pov

It been a couple classes and Riley haven't said much words he just been on his phone a lot. He's not just talking to me but he's not talking to his friends or anyone else either. Is he mad today? What is Soooo important on that phone like sir get off of it.

Cindy: So you sure you not going?

Riley: If you want me to drop you off there just say that.

Cindy: Uhm, watch the tone. And no I don't need transportation but you not talking today what's wrong?

Riley: Nothing wrong.

Cindy: What's so important on your phone?

Riley: Nothing, why you asking so many questions. I'm just fixing everyone's schedule and other things that's all.

Cindy: Because I'm your girlfriend and I'm allow to ask. I was just curious because you been on your phone all day.

Riley: Well, I'm just handling business that's all.

As soon as the bell ring, I collected my stuff and headed out of the classroom. I don't even wanna talk to him right now. He just made me mad, I mean damn we just started dating and you already giving me the attitudes such a mood killer. I've decided to just grab my things and go home since it was the end of the day. Just gonna go home, not talk to anyone but Jazmine and relax.

And while I'm doing all of that, hopefully he'll figure his shit out because I refuse to deal with that shit. But I can't wait til tomorrow, as long I'm not in the house with my hoe ass mama. But I haven't went bowling in a minute now so I can't wait to have an exciting day tomorrow.

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