THE PILOT EPISODES - The Golden Weapon

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(Continuing from the previous episode, Kai gets ambushed by three mysterious ninja.)

Jay: *gasps* Cole, that's us!

Cole: OMG yeah! Lezzzzz go!!

(Kai attacks the ninja and escapes through the rooftop, but the ninja attack him to the floor of the Monastery of Spinjitzu. Kai then turns on the training equipment to attack the other ninja. As the fight continues to take part, Kai lands on one of the ninja, making the other two dogpile on them when Wu stops the fight.)

Wu: Stop!

Cole, Jay and Zane: Yes, Sensei.

Kai: (Confused.) Wait a minute, they're your students too? (Wu nods.) This was my final test, wasn't i-?

Jay: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! You never said anything about a fourth. It's always three. Three Blind Mice. Three Musketeers. Three—

Cole: Uh, what he's trying to say, Sensei Wu, is that three of us have trained together. We're solid.

Kai: Didn't look so solid to me.

Zane: Master, what is the meaning of this?

Wu: Each of you have been chosen. Each in tune with elemental properties. But first, ninja, Go!

(Wu uses his Spinjitzu to change the outfits of the four ninja and give them each a weapon.)

Kai: Whoa!

Cole: How'd he do that?!

Jay: (Elated.) Whoa! Look what color I am!

Cole: Wait a minute, I'm still black.

Cole: Fun fact, guys. Everyone says I'm racist for saying this and I got a lot of hate from fans. To this day, a lot of people see me as the worst ninja.

Kai: That's a quote shitty situation, if I say so myself.

Nya: Yeah, Cole. You were just being yourself. That was not racist at all.

Cole: Thanks guys.

Lloyd: Nya, just start the fury and rage of them not unpausing the video already. By the way, Cole ain't no racist.

(Wu starts donning each ninja with their respective element.)

Wu: Kai, Master of Fire. It burns bright in you. Jay is blue, Master of Lightning.

Jay: Heh, that's not all I'm the master of. I do a little inventing. A dabble in model building. A touch of cooking. A little poetry.

Jay: I had to go to speech classes as a child. I had a terrible stutter, but now I can practically spit out jokes!

Cole: (Sighs.) More like "Mouth of Lightning".

Jay: it's a compliment! Thank you, Cole.

Wu: Black Ninja is Cole, solid as rock, Master of Earth.

Cole: (To Kai.) Nice to meet you, kid. I got your back, and for the record, there ain't nothing in this world I'm afraid of.

Zane: Except for dragons.

Cole: (Annoyed.) Dragons aren't from this world, Zane. I said in this world.

Wu: And White Ninja is Zane, Master of Ice, and seer with sixth sense. (As Wu speaks, Zane utilizes his shurikens before making them vanish.)

Kai: I sense this one takes things a little too seriously.

Zane: You too have the gift?

Jay: (Laughs.) He's just making a joke, Zane. Remember what we talked about? Your sense of humor? Huh?

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