Killer Clown

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   As you walk through the tunnel you begin to hear a noise from up ahead, being the curious 4th grader you are you start running through the tunnels, as you get closer you begin to see the figure of a man, and upon further inspection you slow yourself down to an even slower walk than before. The man in front of you is dressed up in a polka dot and striped clown costume complete with curly rainbow hair, and a big ol smile in red lipstick, having noticed you the clown starts approaching your way "hey kid, want a balloon?" something feels off, you take a step back, "no thank you" you're unease turns to fear as you watch the smile fall from the now motionless clowns face. "No?" his face full of artificial sadness, he skips forward a few times, his face inches from yours by the third and final skip "But don't you kids like balloons?" you retract your face in disgust, covering your nose with your arm as you walk around him, his breath like that of month old milk and heavy cigarette smoke "ew your breath stinks."

   This upsets the clown as he turns to face you, positions now switched. "What did you just say? you little brat." a shiver went down your spine just hearing him say that. His tone had changed and he wasn't prancing around like before, everything about these circumstances terrified you, especially with the recent string of people dressing up as clowns and assaulting people, or worse. You had to get home but you had to get away from this guy first. "Nothing, I didn't say-" "Bullshit! don't give me that bullshit! You think I'm a joke or something?" He's becoming more aggressive than before, you don't know what to do and you start to cry. "Hey now, there's no need to cry, here just take a balloon and be on your way" the now kneeling clown smiles nervously as he hands you a pretty pink dog shaped balloon, sniffling your tears away as you take it, puzzled by the complete 180 that just occurred. "Thank You, sir" you stumble backwards a bit as he stands up, an agitated expression plastered on his face, "alright kid go on, you got lucky. I'm feeling nice today" clutching the balloon as you hear those words, you waste no time booking it out the tunnel and running as fast as you can, letting your unfinished tears resume flow once more, occasionally wiping them away just to look behind you. Everytime praying that the man isn't following you.

   Eventually you make it home and despite feeling like an eternity had past it actually hadn't been all that long, and any exhaustion you felt seemed to spill out as you saw your home come into view, the slight glimpse of your parents through teary eyes sent you running full speed as if being propelled through air straight into their arms, balloon still in hand. "Oh dear, excuse me for a moment" your mother catches you in her arms, holding you tight, you hide your face within her torso and begin to sob uncontrollably, releasing all your pent up emotions from the encounter. Your father is the next to trail over, followed by two police officers whomst you failed to notice prior , "hey there kiddo, everything alright" asks the smaller of the two, but it doesn't matter, for you refuse to lift your head let alone speak to him. "It's probably just been a rough day, nothing a little TLC can't fix" your father jokes as he leans over your mother, placing his hand on your head and rustling around your hair. "Right kiddo?" You look up at him with tear stained cheeks unimpressed. He pats your shoulder as he shifts his attention back to the officers "that's alright, we'll fix it later" he smiles as awkwardly as the laugh that follows.

   Having made sure that you've calmed down your mother stands up at last, "well, putting this aside for now" she begins as she also faces the officers direction. "Thank you for the warning, we'll be sure to keep an eye out." pause. "An eye out for what?" you ask, squeezing your balloon gently like a stress ball, "It's nothing hon, c'mon lets let your father talk with the officers for a bit while we go inside, alright?" Your mother smiles and holds out her hand to which you grab as she leads you inside, as the door begins to shut you turn around one last time, that same creepy feeling from before slowly re enters your body and as your eyes graze the layout in front of you, absolutely nothing. Not a clown in sight, but the eerie feeling doesn't go away, even when you watch the door obstruct your view as it closes.

6:30am The Following Day

You're at the kitchen table playing games on your mother's phone

like usual, when a news broadcast pops up on the Television

  "Hello and good morning everyone. I'm Stacy Mcglen with Squarecell news and it is with great pain in my heart that I must report yet another child's corpse was found this morning in one of the tunnels that run under our train tracks. The body is that of an unidentified girl no older than 5 and her case is yet another result of the killer clown surge we're experiencing. Luckily for us, the police have managed to find her killer, and have him in custody as we speak." You look up at the tv in shock having heard the location the body was found, as you do you see an image of a man flash across the screen, he's in a clown costume, the clown costume. 


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