"You came all the way here, sir. I can make you a coffee or something if you want." I bit my lip waiting for his answer. It was rude to just kick him out when he literally took time out of his day to check up on me and even brought me my favorite fruits.

"Please, sir. I insist." He finally nodded and sat on the sofa next to Lexi. She just looked at him and went back to her sleeping.

Realizing how hideous I look, I quickly excused myself and went to the bathroom.

When I looked in the mirror, I almost got a heart attack. What is this? I look ridiculous. My hair was in a bun, half of it falling down. My eyes were red and also my nose, from wiping it too much.

I looked down at my outfit and I facepalmed myself. My socks were slightly turned on the other side and my pajama top was tucked into my pants.

I fixed myself as quickly as possible and went back to the living room where I saw Mr. Hyde patting Lexi's head. That sneaky little rat. She doesn't like anyone besides me. Well and now Mr. Hyde.

"Actually sir, would you like something to eat? I haven't had dinner yet." And knowing him, he probably didn't have dinner as well.

"Okay." He nodded and turned his attention back to Lexi.

"I'll order something. What would you like?" He told me what he wanted and I ordered. While we waited for the food, we talked about work and what I missed today.

After an hour the food arrived and Mr. Hyde insisted that he would pay.

We sat on the sofa and started eating. Lexi was between us, sleeping like always.


"This is why I would never get in a river or anywhere for that matter." After we finished with our food, my favorite tv show started. River Monsters.

"I mean it's not that bad. It's just a small fish." Mr. Hyde was sat with his arms placed on the back of the sofa, he took his suit jacket somewhere along the way.

"Um, have you seen the teeth on that 'small fish'? I don't care, but I would never." I raised my hands in surrender.

He shook his head and I swear, I saw his lips lift at the corners a bit. I've never seen him smile. Like full-on teeth and everything smile.

We watched three episodes and then put on another channel.

"Sir. I just... I want to say thank you again. For what you did outside of the bar... with Kai. I really appreciate it, you standing up for me." I thanked him already but I wanted to say it again. Because it really means to me. I don't think I would have known how to get out of that situation.

His eyes bore into mine. He raised his hand to my face and tucked a hair strand behind my ear. "No problem, Zaria. Just please be careful with who you go on dates. Hm?"

He was way too comfortable right now and I can't say I mind it. His warm hand felt good against my skin.

Get yourself together, Zaria.

"I will. I was just trying to give a chance to all this dating stuff. But I don't think it's working for me." I played with the hem of my pajama top.

A silence settled between us. Mr. Hyde was staring at me.

"I think I should go. It's getting late, you should rest." He stood up from the sofa and took his suit jacket. Lexi immediately jumped and meowed.

"She likes you," I tell him. He patted her one last time and made his way to the door.

"Take a rest. You don't have to be at work tomorrow. Come when you feel better." He turned to me. There was a reassuring look on his face.

"As you say, boss." I tried to joke. But I don't think Mr. Hyde found it funny since his eyes darkened and his grip on the knob got tighter.

Did I say something wrong?

"Get better soon. And don't forget to take medicine if you don't feel good. You know I need you."

He cleared his throat. "You know I need you at work. No one does the job better than you."

Since when is he saying stuff like this? This needs to stop because it's no good for my feelings and my poor heart.

He opened the door and we said goodbye.

I went back to the living room and jumped on the sofa. I looked at Lexi. "What the heck was that?" I whisper screamed.


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