Chapter 29 (UNAVAILABLE)

Start from the beginning

"We did, we did. She's just–"


Diamond nodded. Rocio's beguiling face popped into her thoughts. If we pursue this, it'll only hurt her. She understood this but continued to play their encounters again and again in her mind.

"Where'd you meet her? At work?"

"No..." The shame grew in her chest, weighing her down. She wanted to lie, remove Renata from the situation and lessen the consequences on Diamond's end. But it was deceptive and would only worsen her turmoil of emotions. "She's Renata's older sister."

"Your best friend, Renata?"

Diamond nodded again, unable to get the words out.

Her face remained contorted with confusion. Her black eyebrows scrunched together. "Renata, the ex-girlfriend, the one I thought you were hung up on?"

"Yes, it's complicated."

Chika's smile turned sympathetic. She shook her head. She reached into her jacket and pulled out a silver flask. "I think you need this more than I do."

Diamond accepted the offer. "You're right, I do."

"I came to see if you'd be interested in fucking one last time," Chika confessed as she took the flask back and took a heavy sip. "But I see you've got a lot more important shit going on."

Diamond coughed, not expecting the liquor to taste like straight-up rubbing alcohol. It burned on its way down her throat. "Sorry to disappoint."

"No, I should say sorry. Your situation sounds really messy. And you've got a good heart, so don't worry, it'll work itself out."

Her throat clogged up. "We decided against it. It's not going to go anywhere."

Chika shook her head. "I doubt it. You're just lying to yourselves."

"It doesn't matter."

She made a face but said nothing else. "Well, I'm not trying to be rude, I'll just go order a–"

Diamond stood up quick enough to press Chika back down. Considering her state, she sank into the couch easily. "I don't think so. You're way too drunk to be on your own, something bad could happen. Sleep it off here, you can leave in the morning."

Chike slurped at her flask. "You don't have to."

"I can't have that on my conscience, I already feel like a shitty enough person as it is."

Chika lumbered to her feet and threw her arms around Diamond. "Thanks, girl. You're the best." She pulled back and had a beaming smile. Diamond tried not to wince at her alcohol-soaked breath. "You know, it's good we didn't do the thing. I think I just really needed a friendly face."

Diamond shifted so they were side to side, and she was holding some of Chika's body weight. "Well, you've got it. Now, c'mon, let's get upstairs."

And just as they began to walk up the first step, a great tremor went through the house, followed by a blast that knocked them right off their feet before they even knew what hit them.

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