Chapter 13 [Edited]

Start from the beginning

Back to main topic, if he can repair this watch. Why does he can't repair this robot as well? Suddenly he felt a little headache and get a vision, he saw a mysterious boy repair a round robot and how to make it using a base thing. After that he vision clear, he not felt headache anymore ‘What....was that?' thought him alone that laboratory

But thank you because of that vision he got to know how to make this robot and repair it. He always thinking what kind vision is that? Why he has a feeling that he ever do that before? And who that mysterious boy? Who is he? Who is he in the past?

Many questions played his head but he don't have much time to think about it. He more focus on this robot from those questions, but he noted to himself will focus on it too

The day passed away, as he look at the robot already repaired. Those robot have a shiny round shape, it's have a white color also some of black and grey. The thing is missing is the energy and the way to charge this robot, he trying everything by using a battery, generator and more, but all of it's not work

Again, he got another vision. This vision is the energy that mysterious boy put in that robot. That mysterious boy called those robot power sphera. Why this name hear so similar? Anyway look like those power sphera need a much energy, so that boy made an energy used ----------- and ------------, but he also used a special charger pod for that power sphera. After that vision clear again, he made a charger pod like in his vision, because he can't make an energy and also he doesn't know what is it

What he know this power sphera will be charge in the pod and would take in around 1 to 2 weeks to become complete. He put the pod at his own room since it's only a safe room he can think this time and mostly all the place is weird to him

As put that power sphera, he continue his own business with that old alien, again....

1 week passed like a fly flying over,and nothing happened also with that power sphera. He just done made another potion and about to sleep. He laying down his body at his bed and sleep peaceful

At the same time, that power sphera awake....

"Master....." as the power sphera look at that his master or specific his creator, who now slept at the bed peaceful








In the next morning that boy wake up and look around his bedroom. He found something strange, there a power sphera at his bed.......Alright, how this power sphera from the pod to his bed if only he and Kiab can enter this room? Unless......this power sphera is awake?!!!? What a surprised!!

Those power sphera slowly open his eyes and look at his master “Good morning master" said that power sphera, as he 'smile' to his master by using his eyes as the emotion because he not have a mouth -_-

Master? Okey, that's weird to call a boy like that, like it's really formal to be hear. “ Can I know what your name?" asked that boy

“ I'm sorry master but I don't know what is my name actually" said that power sphera frown. That boy saw this patting his power sphera “ Don't said like that" said that boy and that power sphera be clueless. He felt so warm......

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