Chapter 39

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My mouth is sour and my stomach is in knots. I feel like I might throw up, but I need to be strong for Bryant.

"You ready?" I ask him.

Bryant straightens up his stance and nods his head.

"I'll stay the whole time if they let me," I assure him.

"Thanks," he says.

I motion to the station doors. "Let's get this over with," I say.

The walk up the steps felt like the long walk to the principal's office when we were in trouble. One time in kindergarten Bryant pulled the fire alarm because he just couldn't help himself. The entire school got evacuated and when they finally figured out which kid did it, my teacher made me escort him up to the office. It feels an awful lot like that dreaded day now.

Cops pass us on the way in, and I wonder if they ever consider that the people they are looking for might be closer than they think.

"Can I help you?" an officer asks from behind the desk.

"We need to talk to the detective in charge of a hit and run," Bryant says.

"Recent?" the cop asks as if this type of thing happens all the time.

"A little over two weeks ago," I tell him.

Bryant takes a big, calming breath beside me.

The doors of the station open and a man in a nice suit walks in. "Bryant?" he asks.

Bryant nods his head.

"Great. I'm Henry, your attorney. We spoke on the phone," he says.

"Nice to meet you in person." Bryant replies. When he extends his hand to shake Henry's, it's shaky. But this time it isn't from the withdrawals. Bryant is five days sober from drinking. He's on his last day of pills and already took the dose.

The officer clearly now senses the seriousness of our visit and tells us he's going to get the detective. "You can have a seat and we'll come get you."

I think we are all too nervous to sit down. Instead, we make small talk as the officer get us the man in charge of these types of crimes.

A few minutes later, an older detective steps out into the lobby. "Why don't you guys come on back here. I'm Detective Ruiz. I work traffic," he says, shaking each of our hands as he leads us to a room in the back. "I understand you might have some information for me?"

"Yes sir," Bryant says.

The detective takes us to a large room with a table and chairs. Other officers are working, some on the computer and some with files of paper in front of them. Their eyes barely lift as we walk in.

"Please have a seat," Detective Ruiz says, motioning to the chairs. We all sit down. Bryant is between me and Henry.

I make eye contact with Bryant and give him a reassuring nod. The last five days have been hell. Bryant has slept a lot, but I have stayed by his side to make sure he doesn't drink and also that he doesn't die. The medication knocked him out which really scared me. He has never waivered in his decision to do this though. He wants to confess. His lawyer had other ideas, but in the end, they agreed that he would say what he did and ask for help. Bryant doesn't care what happens to him. He said that finding out Nathan and his passenger were alive was a relief, but he won't feel at peace until he takes responsibility for what he's done.

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