Chapter 22

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Somehow, I feel like I know her better. I got a little walk through her life and saw her go from a cute little girl to the stunning woman she is now. I know there weren't girls like her at my school, because I would have been all over it. The closest I've ever come to crushing on a girl as much as I am her was my sophomore year and that only lasted for a few months until she changed schools. I've had girlfriends, but none that are as charming and pretty as Jaina. Her determination and loyalty to her friend are very attractive qualities to me.

"I saw those cowboy boots," I say, pointing in the direction of a picture she has blown up larger than some of the others. She's wearing a small white skirt with a pink tank top, and white cowboy boots.

"Ahh, yes," she replies, coming closer to see the picture again. "I wore those to a concert. We went through a country music stage."

"Stage?" I ask incredulously. "Country music is the best music. You can't tell me you have already moved past it."

"Oh, we have a fan here, huh?" she asks playfully. "I still listen to it often, but I don't wear the whole outfit."

"That's a shame," I tell her, "We'll have to fix that." I look down at my feet pointedly. My favorite pair of boots has never steered me wrong.

Jaina laughs. "I didn't even notice."

I shrug. I'm not country to my core or anything, but I love country music and have adapted some of the style. I even learned to two-step so that Bryant and I could go to the local country bar and dance with the girls with our fake IDs.

"We'll need to brush them off for a good dance," I tell her.

"I don't know how to two-step or line dance," she says. She brushes the hair that's escaped from her braid off her face. She's stunning.

"We can fix that," I pull my phone from my pocket and bring up my Spotify playlist. Zach Bryan for the win.

The music plays a bit awkwardly from my phone, and I'd prefer it out of a speaker but there's no time for that.

I move close and take her in my arms. Her small hand in mine, and my grip around her waist tight enough to press her against me.

"It's easy," I coach, "just don't over think it. Follow my lead."

I count the steps to her slowly and carefully as I guide her to the right position. Her smile melts me as she giggles and tries her best to not step on my feet. It takes very little time before she's got the hang of it and I'm dancing her around the small space of her bedroom. When she shuffles her foot too soon, we laugh. She tries to tuck her head down to watch our feet, but I use our clasped hands to lift her chin, so her gaze meets mine.

"I've got you," I tell her, and I truly mean it. Nothing feels as good as having her in my arms in this moment.

"Ok, she says breathlessly. I know her brain is working overtime to remember the steps, but I add a spin to have a little fun.

"I don't know what to do!" she shouts as my hand twirls her around.

"It's a good thing I do. Just follow my lead," I tell her. This time when she moves back into my arms, I pull her in tighter. Her body molds to mine, our hands clasped together and her free hand resting on my chest.

The song starts to fade away, but I can't take my eyes off hers. I don't want this moment to come to an end. I keep her close to me as I lean in. She meets me in the middle, our lips softly touching. We're still moving to the disappearing song, but the rush of blood flowing in my body and pounding in my ears takes over. I can't believe I get to kiss her again. When the song is finally over, move my hands to her hair to hold her gently to my lips. Her hands grip my sides, pulling me to her as well. My cast is a nuisance, but I refuse to let it ruin this moment.

Jaina tastes like her sweet lip-gloss—raspberries with a hint of vanilla. I know from this moment on I will never taste anything raspberry and not think of her. The next song on my list starts playing, but we have long since stopped swaying to the music, our attention is on the press of our lips and the tender way her mouth sucks in my lower lip slightly before moving to the top. She's an amazing kisser, and I wouldn't say that about everyone. I don't know if our styles match, or if I just want her so badly, I'm into anything she does.

The annoying sound of a text message pierces the air and cuts through our moment. 

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