"I didn't expect you to actually try to lie again," Theo cut me off, rubbing a hand over his jaw.

I stiffened. He wasn't even going to give me a chance. My hands trembled. This was really it. Out of everyone to find out my secret, why did it have to be Theo? He was famous. Word could get out so easily. It'd be everywhere on the internet. Everyone used the internet. My family would find out in no time.

Theo slowly paced the room, his hands in his pockets. "This is more believable than the story about your mother being friends with Eileen, considering I've known Eileen for some time, and she's never mentioned you being a daughter of a friend. Development has been ongoing for almost a year, so you'd think she would have said something at some point."

I didn't take my attention off him, waiting for the moment he took out his phone and told the world. What would I do? What would happen? I felt sick. My head felt fuzzy. I shut my eyes, trying to fight off nausea, my knees feeling weak. I really felt like I was going to faint.

"It also explains why you'd be invited to our dinners. I didn't understand why an assistant script writer would be invited, but you being the author makes more sense."

Him saying the words out loud really set it in stone for me. My eyes flew open and I dropped the updated script, going up to Theo, and grabbing his hand. "Theo, please. Don't tell anyone. Please, please, please," I begged, my breathing unsteady, my head lowered. "I can't let anyone else find out. I really can't, so please—"

"When did I say I'd tell anyone?" he asked, going still under my touch.

I paused, looking up at him, but his expression was stoic and unreadable— the usual for him, I was coming to realize. I couldn't tell what he was thinking. I did, however, realize just how close I stood to him. The faint scent of his cologne wafted in the air between us and I immediately took a step back, letting him go. "Sorry. I shouldn't have grabbed you."

"I'm the one who overheard you without making my presence known," he said, bringing his hand closer to his body and hunching his shoulders. "I know even without you telling me that you kept this as a secret for a reason. I'm not going to tell anyone else."

"But..." I trailed off, unsure. Was he really not going to tell anyone? Could I believe that? I barely knew him. What reason did he have to keep it a secret for me?

He gave me a flat look. "Then, do you want me to tell everyone?"

"No!" I said immediately.

Theo lifted his shoulders and let them fall in a loose shrug. "Then I will keep your secret for you. I have no reason not to."

I thought back to the night before, the heavy look Theo had given me, how angry he had been. Was he over that already? Or was he pretending right to be over it right now, but actually biding his time now that he had a secret to get hold over me for revenge?

No. Even though I barely knew Theo, I didn't think he was that kind of person. He wouldn't be standing here saying he'd keep my secret if that were true, either. I couldn't let my anxiety cloud my thoughts about this. I took a deep breath, trying to calm myself. One thing for sure was that I still needed to apologize and he was right there. "I'm sorry for saying that to you last night. You know, about you not being all that."

Almost immediately, Theo's posture changed again, the muscles in his jaw going taught. His gaze slid to me again, dark and stern. "That wasn't the issue I had with your statement."

I frowned. Then what was? I couldn't really remember what else I'd said. Or had it been something before that?

"And if you're just apologizing because you think I'll tell your secret to get back at you, don't bother. I have morals."

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